
I think it should actually matter that these girls were teenagers when they went along with this. Most minors would go along with a lie that parents pushed as beneficial and ‘not hurting anybody', especially if they didn't understand that the lie was actually illegal. 

People go to the gym to lift heavy things and put them down again until their muscles burn, or to run/step/row until sweat pours from them, but wearing a mask is a bridge too far. Someone explain this mentality, please.

To be fair, when I - a woman - get too drunk, things also get really crazy:

Is anyone else who has undergone cancer treatment stunned at what he was able to accomplish while he was ill? I couldn’t make it from my hospital bed to the bathroom without peeing on myself because I was so weak it took forver to get out of the bed. Being physically weak is so painful.

I have no time for Cardi B and her antics but do recognize her influence and hope that she does put effort into getting out the vote

Well I’m glad it brightened your day. I go for a walk once a week with my sister in law (she’s the partner of my husband’s older sister), and my kid and their kid are just in a completely different world to what I grew up in. She always says her cousin is so lucky to have two mums. And (we literally live in the

As someone who was bullied and ostracized by others at the behest of my best friend in 1998, at 8 years old, for being a lesbian, because I put my arm affectionately around her shoulders while we walked down the hallway; your daughter’s nonchalance about her friend’s lesbian crush gives me the most indescribable

I’ve been noticing a trend at work (a NFP healthcare org) that whenever I email the other NFP agencies with liaise with, they have nearly all changed their email signatures to include their pronouns. I think it’s great. And the other day at home I asked my seven year old something about someone (can’t remember who)

Trump supporters have been singing a “YMCA” parody that reworks the cruising anthem into a salute to the President

Is anyone?”

I have a fair amount of faith in Waititi to make her character finally work.

I am, Portman has proven herself as a really good actress and the only reason she wasnt great in the first to Thor movies is because they didnt hand her anything to work with. I mean half her lines are being amazed at his muscles.

Plus claiming you write "strong" female characters, aka the Aaron Sorkin defense, doesn't mean squat. I don't know why these men think their work inoculates them from criticism. 

It’s pretty clear Joss Whedon is an asshole both personally and professionally. I don’t think we have to trot out the list of allegations about it anymore. It remains disappointing, but it is known.

For all the talk of Firefly being cancelled too soon the fact it was cancelled is probably the only reason Whedon still had a career where he could continue writing “strong” female characters that inevitably fell apart the moment the man died or dumped them post 2002.

I’ve never understood the adulation of Tyler Perry, and especially Oprah’s support of him because literally every single thing I’ve seen that he does is some sort of “morality tale” aimed at women. All the women in his stories are punished constantly for not being his idea of “moral”. I hate it.

she is in an open marriage. brad pitt is her side piece. nature is healing.

He’s not good enough for her. In fact, I can’t think of a single young man good enough for her! Yes, I am her mother (not really).

All I hope is that Anderson Cooper has some serious layers of sunblock on.