
Made an appointment to freeze my eggs today. Freeze until when? I don’t know. Maybe forever.


Fuck, I cannot stand Alyssa Milano. The world would be so much better without her performative, white woman brand of superficial feminism. Or at least Twitter would be.

Holy shit, those kids are snappy dressers! 

But the continued examination of the dregs of whatever either party’s PR machine can poop out is exhausting for both the general public and the children involved,” she sighed as she profited off the continued examination of a divorce in which children are involved. FFS. 

Rest easy, Chi Chi. 💔

The only kid who knew a life with Angie before Brad is Maddox. They were already together when she adopted Zahara, and Brad officially adopted M & Z the next year.  The massive family was a team effort.

She was a joy to watch! I will continue to declare things “turd city” in her honor.  Also, remember when she ate her earring?  Lord she was fabulous.


It’s the whole “sensitive musician” thing. I think he’s genuinely talented, which counts for a lot... and I’m not attracted to him at all, but I can see how being 6'3" with big sad eyes and pouty lips (and being quite rich and famous) could work for some women.

I think if he loses, it will be briefly very bad, but if he wins, it will be very bad for a very long time.

Even if we get a Biden landslide, we will see a rather effective push to suppress and discredit the results that will leave the situation in question for weeks or months, while Trump and his cronies ramp up the corruption. That is literally our best case scenario.

I’d be fine if I never heard about John Mayer’s sex life EVER again, but at least this Dirt Bag has no Kardashian / Jenner shit in it :)


I know it was Dunst’s original mistake, but why did Joan have to go and put it in the headline? That’s just salt in the wound.

I don’t want to completely exculpate Kanye by medicalizing the entirety of his poor behavior, or taking the position that this is only happening because of his unaddressed mental health issues; it would be easy to do and I don’t want to be unnecessarily dismissive. But I do wonder how much of this bizarre shit would

Someone needs to sit Kanye down and explain to him that there is a difference between being an “independent thinker” and a “contrarian.”  In fact, if you’re just a contrarian, you aren’t really much of an independent thinker, because you’re still letting your decisions be guided by popular consensus.  Also undermining

*puts popcorn in the microwave; pulls out a folding chair*

Election day should be a paid national holiday. Many of my coworkers feared going to vote on lunch because they thought they’d get busted and fired for taking too long. Me, I lived in the area of my job, so I’d just walk and come back after I was done. It should be done. In America, we treat our jobs like a literal

Damn, can we celebrate one good thing? Shit, its a pandemic