
So, they raised $5,000 for UNICEF and that’s a bad thing? What did UNICEF do to you? Yes, many people are hurting all around the world. And you’re harshing on folks who tried to do something? Why? What does this article gain? Their next charity attempt may be more successful. Or, maybe they’ll be too cowed from doing

I think there’s a good chance they only made $5,000 because 30 million people have lost their jobs and health insurance and probably don’t have any money to spare right now. 

Snarking on folks raising money for a children’s charity interesting choice for the tone of an article.

Joan also managed to snark UNICEF in that very special way only Joan can. 

I’m all for snark but come on, every single article I’ve seen on here lately is just shitting on people. The cast of Pitch Perfect (a movie I enjoyed, please don’t come for me) raised $5,000 for singing for a few minutes. They are literally (probably) at home doing nothing and they managed to raise $5,000. If I could

If the shoe (and prison jumpsuit) fits...

That's because it is a cult.

You lost me at the “gay men or angry transsexuals”. Try harder next time.

Big giveaway: “transsexuals”. Buh-bye!

As did nearly every comment on here. Did you read a single one supporting your take?

And even if she had been bandwagoning here, her tweets still would have been important! This message is one that needs to be signal boosted by everyone with a platform, so the 100th person that does it is just as important as the first! So many states (including important swings states like Michigan, Florida, and

This and the Bella Hadid story a couple of weeks ago is click baity misogony. Also, and damn it I hate defending Swift because she kind of annoys me, she came out before this - in June in support of BLM and donated as well. This makes it sound like she bandwagoned on this. It’s misleading, lazy, and *unty reporting.

Blogger bravely snarks at Taylor Swift.

Never been a fan of Taylor and she’s been kinda late to the party, but now that she’s here, she’s making up for lost time. Stop shitting on her for using her very far-reaching voice, jezebel! 

A bitchy compliment towards Taylor Swift yet the transphobic Cardi B is praised by a trans woman.

Good for her, full stop, no snark. This is a message that needs to be shouted from the rooftops all day, every day by everyone with a platform. I’m pretty terrified right now over the number of people who will end up casting their ballot by mail this year. Election Day is almost a week earlier this year than it was

I’m an old, but it takes courage for Swift to make a clear statement like that. Most celebrities get mushy-mouthed about politics, which is understandable due to the potential of alienating a significant sector of the public and their livelihoods. Swift will lose many country fans for this (yes, she still has country

You know what’s good feminism? Not shitting on women for using their platform for good.

I don’t get the Taylor hate. Yes, for people who pay attention to politics, like most people here, her statement is obvious, but how many of her fans pay attention to politics like that? It *is* an at least moderately brave statement for someone whose livelihood depends highly on popular support. It’s a lot easier to

We need all the voices to dump Trump. Time is running out. If Swift can influence whatever number of fans to vote, good on her.

Yeah, fuck Taylor Swift for trying to get her fans to vote in a timely manner to have their voices heard, amirite? Who the hell does she think she is, being all influencing and popular and with a loud voice on social media, trying to get people involved so we don’t have another 4 years of Donald Trump. The unmitigated