
She’s dating Charlize Theron? She’s a lucky lady.

Exactly. The rest of the world has returned (almost) to normal. Meanwhile, the US and Brazil are ON FIRE.

It’s a weird time to live when one of our political parties is collaborating with a Pandemic.

He was there representing Black Voices for Trump, an arm of the Trump re-election campaign aimed at increasing black support for President Trump. Cain served on the board as its co-chair.

Do you think Cain realized as he gasped his life away that when Dump is told of his death, he’ll say “who?”

Thank you. I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I have NEVER been subjected to this much abuse. Ever. My team and I are exhausted, burned out, and facing escalating hostility from the people we treat.

Virginia. We’ve had it relatively easy and that’s the issue. People aren’t scared anymore, so they aren’t masking or distancing. Thus, we are back in the red and facing an explosion of cases. I actually didn’t have any push back about masks until this month. Now, people are “over it” and getting in our faces. Thanks,

There is a price for creating or participating in false narratives about freedom. Cain paid that price because he cared more about sucking up to Trump and the GOP, than about doing the right thing.

Get ready for Conservatives to be all “Why are you rooting for the virus? Why are you making this man’s death a political point to score?”

Related NEws:

Damn, I completely forgot drowning in your own fluid filled lungs was a symptom of colon cancer.

I’ve been told to go fuck myself multiple times in the last week for enforcing mask use in my cancer clinic... As someone who is immune compromised and likely to die from COVID, these people are putting my life on the line with their lies.


This man survived stage 4 colon cancer and died after trying to cape for President Trump. He really blew a lead, just wild.

In some sense, it seems a shame that Cain, a genuinely accomplished and successful man, spent the latter part of his life as something of a joke, who ran a novelty, flash-in-the-pan presidential campaign. But on the other hand, he spent the latter part of his life actively working to make life harder for people with

Maybe my ass had a really good idea, okay?!!

At this point, Trump is implicated in the negligent homicide of Tulsans. I have less empathy for willful victims like Herman Cain. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Yep, it’s pretty much the same realisation that most of us have had about the colonial past of countries we live in - “oh shit, I live on a site of mass genocide, why don’t people talk about that more?”

Beck elaborates that how her character is written contributes to a much larger pattern of racism in genre television, especially when it’s targeted at teenagers: