
And not totally sidelining the others in a manner so blatant it almost seemed like they were setting up a joke, but they were not.

I’ve watched every season of Riverdale and I can’t even remember this poor woman. And I’ve seen a LOT of crap—like Johnathan, the character in this past season’s plotline *SPOILERS*

Ooh a promise to “do better”! Honestly this “oops, sorry, we donated to BLM and promise to do better in the future” garbage is the same BS every corporation has trotted out. Maybe it shouldn’t have taken multiple deaths, weeks of rioting and a backlash on social media to prompt you to give a Black person something to

“I reviewed some of the aerial videos and pictures, and for the bulk of the event it looks like they followed the guidelines and at the very end of the event they deviated and that’s unfortunate.

Any band that has a bank CEO and a politician opening for them is the absolute shit that was taken by an absolute shit onto a hot pile of absolute shit.

“You see, after reviewing the play-by-play in my head, I was wearing protection for most of our copulation. it would seem that, toward the end I deviated from doing so. That’s unfortunate. I guess we’ll wait and see if you get pregnant!”

The Chainsmokers are like if a can of Four Loko wished upon a star to become a real boy was granted its wish.

which included an opening performance by Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, aka DJ Sol 

Honestly it seems like the only thing 50 is famous for these days is starting shit on social media...

It sounds like there were a lot of people stepping up together to de-escalate the situation and protect the restaurant workers and didn’t realize he was armed. Idk, not gonna knock people for trying to protect service industry workers from assholes.

We’re eating him first, right?”

People who think “possessions weigh you down” either have a lot of possessions or have the money to own a lot of possessions. You never hear a poor person say that. Sure, I’d throw away all the stuff I own if I was comfortable in the knowledge I could buy more stuff if I ever needed to.

The Carters are always so classy!

I wonder why he never tried being a less selfish lover?

Brooklyn, if your family is complete, run, don’t walk to your gynecologist and ask for an endometrial ablation. I went through some similar experiences in my 40s-heavy periods, large clots, to the point where I was wearing both super tampons and overnight pads and was still soaking through within an hour. When i got

This is the same Eminem who routinely fantasized about torturing and killing his ex-wife and the mother of his child in his songs, right? If the worst thing that comes out about any of his relationships is that he is shitty in bed, you gotta consider that a win Marshall.

I am starting to wonder if they aren’t divorced in part because she wants to stay his next of kin—with his mother gone, I don’t think he has any other close family that could try to help him when he’s like this or have power of attorney if he does get committed. I’m sure whatever hangers-on he has that enabled that

On the other hand, what are people supposed to do if someone says “hey, we’d like to have you read this script to speak out against racism”?  Just say “nah, I’m good”?  Sure, it came off badly, but who wants to be that one person who’s not going to speak publicly against racism?  

My best friend who I have known all my life is bi-polar. Thankfully, over the last 40 years she’s only had a few very scary breaks. But there are times, even though she’s on her meds, that I’ve woken up to paragraphs of text from her saying she’s just come to the realization that I’ve been trying to steal her husband,