
Came here to say this! I could tell from the headline of the People story that it was family therapy and not couples counseling.

My parents made a looooooooot of mistakes but they really put us and our needs first when they were divorced. It was a make the best of a shitty situation and it made all the difference. 

For those confused by its roundabout snark, let me attempt to translate the content of this post as it relates to Jennifer Aniston: “She’s doing well and has been writing recently.”

Not to be a pedant, but Jolie and Pitt are doing family therapy - which is TOTALLY different from couple’s therapy. It’s a whole different set of goals and skills you work on, and in cases where the parents have already divorced is going to de-emphasize the couple to focus on the emotional/psychological needs of the

On a tangent and something that’s bugged me since yesterday when reading up on the Depp trial is that even if you take JK Rowling at face value good faith in her argument then it’s still one in which she’s decided to enact more punishment towards transpeople because she claims them shitting in a toilet creates the

Britney has also never been a mean or cruel person in public at least, so the constant cruel jokes about her over the past 20+ years seem extra awful because she doesn't punch back. 

“That’s a woman,” Berry said later. “That’s a female story. Yes, she transitioned into a man but I want to understand the why and the how of that. So I’m hoping that I get to do it.”

Imagine thinking that your personal interest in wanting to understand transitioning somehow justifies that you should get (or even pursue) the role over someone who already understands it and would therefore do a much better job than you. The fact that those words were spoken by a woman of color is even more

All of these racists are of Russian descent. Russians giving the Nazi salute is like a New Yorker flying the Confedeate flag. Supporting the side of the war that was defeated by your ancestors.

A bunch of Russians doing Nazi salutes.

Some assorted comments:

These are the kind of people who thought dogs and firehoses wasn't going nearly far enough. That quote is pure white supremacy. Didn't even need to click their heels and spear their hand out to get the message across. 

Man, these comments show a level of ignorance about our electoral system that is simply astounding.

“I’m not going to tell you how to raise your child, but you’re doing it wrong.”

“He was like, ‘I am not going to tell you how to raise your child but you need to reevaluate how you’re parenting her,’” said Brockman.

Bit of a step down isn’t it?

Remember when Kanye was (overly IMO) celebrated as a hip hop producer and not as the sad go to example of what happens in a society that doesn’t properly fund mental health services?

1. You have a troll that you may want to dismiss so that he doesn’t come out of the greys on you.

To quote another music guy, “I don’t find this stuff amusing anymore.”

So does the day care have a dress code banning children from wearing political messaging on their clothes? Or did they just see her shirt and decide now was the time to institute one?