
Brie is a national treasure and the only actress I think my 4 year old knows the name of. 

As a queer involved in the drag scene (as a fan and occasional writer) there is no end to my loathing of RuPaul. 

Katy Perry continues to be a nightmare.

Wrt RuPaul, BYE FELICIA! Please delete your presence from society and go off to your Wyoming ranch forever. Enjoy huffing the fumes and tainted drinking water from your oil fracking leases.

Brie Larson single-handedly shook and triggered tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, fragile incel cucks and the dumb women who crave their unwashed dicks, that I will love her forever. The fact that she did this and led to them claiming they would boycott her and “Captain Marvel” and then it went onto make

Maybe a giant bird will drop a giant shark on my head before then.

While I wouldn’t have chosen the word “victimized,” I admit that I have never been comfortable with an adult woman choosing a child to act as her public proxy.

I don’t really follow these things, but am curious, has there been any significant backlash against the Kardashians throwing such lavish parties in “these times”?

Purely out of curiosity: Are you a Whedon stan who happens to be a shitbird, or are you a bog-standard shitbird who wallows in whatever filth it finds? 

Kai Cole, Whedon’s ex-wife, has said she has C-PTSD from his constant cheating and then gaslighting. Whatever Whedon did on set, I’m pretty sure it involves skeezing on a super slender white girl. 

He would never be like that because he’s a piece of shit.

The way Officer Billy Thug was all buddy buddy after he body slammed this shit out of Smith is just as disgusting. He could have been like that from the got damn start

nothing about kim kardashian’s life, or really any of their lives, inspires any envy in me. they seem boring and sad and too self-involved to actually be fun.

I tried a standing desk for awhile and let me tell you, I can waste just as much time standing as sitting.

The irony is how their inexperience probably lead to the show being so good in the first couple of seasons. They themselves admitted the first couple of seasons were their ‘film school’. So they had this huge bank of experienced creatives who they would say yes to their ideas, because they had none. A costume

Yeah, David Benioff’s birth name is David Friedman. He uses his mother’s maiden name for his work partly because there already is an established author named David Friedman, but also because his father is Stephen Friedman. As in, “former head of Goldman Sachs” Stephen Friedman.

And then wanted to run a show about the Confederacy winning. HBO thankfully read the room and shut it down but it was only because of Charlottesville.

Thanks for the well-worded header and article. I read Denver Post and NYT articles and had to guess at the timeline and piece together that these officers were mocking his summary execution as some twisted anti-protest protest.

Benioff and Weiss, the white guys that messed up Game of Thrones when they ran out of original book material to rip, got to run a show with little to no experience but deep family connections at HBO. That's the game in a nutshell.

You really just sat down, thought for a minute, and wrote the sentence “Animal control treats dogs about the same as cops treat black people.” You also compare dogs like this to “enslaved people” in another comment.

Now is a great time to reflect, ilovedogs93.