
Unf. That is a sexy white Jesus right there.

It's hella overrated. His weight loss is the most impressive thing about it by a mile.

Ugh, they never explained any of that backstory shit, though. #StillSaltyAboutIt

“The good ones, anyway.”

I feel this so hard.

Still here for it.

OH MY GOD, the apple paper weights. My mom has like, five.

...I had completely forgotten you used to have to lick them.

Who is he? I read his tweet, and I am 100% here for it.

Oh my god, when was the Jon Snow one? My drunk ass needs to see that.

This disappoints me. I guess I shouldn’t have expected better from someone who willingly spends time with Tom Cruise, though.


Really confused about why everybody’s saying David Beckham looks bad/ old? I find him like, a billion times hotter now than when he was younger.

Thank you, I was very confused.

the FUCK

UGH. Clearly they’re not “in on th joke” if the joke is so offensive to them that they’re up and leaving the set. And even if it is supposed to be “ridiculous” or “satire” how many Adam Sandler fanboys are gonna pick up on that distinction? Probably a lot fewer than at gonna be repeating these jokes verbatim with zero


I’m all for Matt Bomer playing anybody's lover in any project, cause I need more of his bare ass in my life.

I owned it. *Crawls in a hole out of shame.*

God, the more I read Renner’s, the douchier it gets.