
The song’s hella gross. It’s my favorite song when I’m drunk, but it’s hella gross.

There is a villaness named White China on Arrow, so you’re not far off.

Renner’s apology was so douchey. 1) Didn’t apologize, 2) Condescended to the fans. “It’s just made up you guise, omg!”

I can’t believe her husband is a professional writer.

As a kid (23) I can confirm that we are, in fact, saying that. (*Disclaimer—I am an extremely uncool kid.*)

She’s a college student...majoring in English...who doesn’t have a computer? What even is this series?

What the fuck

Sigh. *Squicked* out. I was *squicked* out, not squished.

As a 22 year old whose current hookup is 19, I got so squished out by this detail. NINETEEN YEAR OLDS ARE NOT HUSBAND MATERIAL.

That is...that's a very cute baby. And I'm not generally a huge baby fan.


This is...very disheartening.

Woody Allen looks so much like a turtle. It is just unreal.

Oh my god, autocorrect and kinja are conspiring together to make a fool out of me.

I am...far from perfect. But I just want to take a moment to thank my parents for not raising me to be these children. Thank you, guys.

Goddammit that is cool.

Enemies Kravitz is always a babe, but Lennie Kravitz as Cinna is absolute perfection.

This kid is the coolest. To be so culturally aware, and able to articulate that awareness, at such a young age is Especially in light of the whole “wait, Rue’s BLACK????” backlash after she was cast in THG. Just really brave and impressive. What a neat young woman.


I’m like, “YES!” about this gif.