
A guy that swept you away with amazing sex and endless compliments falls out of touch with you and starts dating another woman, but then makes it known that he would be "really sad" if you were to cut ties with him to move on, needs to be kicked to the curb, right? Because I'm pretty sure I need to lose about 180lbs

Your boyfriend sounds like he's being a big baby, but have you RSVP'd that you're going? It is bad manners to just not show up to a wedding that you said you would go to- the couple is most likely spending money to accommodate you being there, and I wouldn't really blame them or your BF's family for being annoyed

Are you just playing us? If this is all true than you know he's married, you know it's his baby and you know he lives with his wife and she has no idea about you. He's not even doing a good job with the lying. He has no respect for his wife and no respect for you. Next it will be that they live together but she

I only needed to read halfway through this before stopping and telling you you're clearly being had. Just stop this guy is a loser and a liar and you know it.

Oh, one other thing: she doesn't know about you.

He's married and his wife just had a baby and you're someone he fucks when it's convenient for him. He tells you lies so you won't stop fucking him.

You don't need him to take you to his place to clarify this, it sounds like deep down you know exactly what is going on here. The easiest way to get that irrefutable proof? Send the "ex-wife" a message thanking her for her accepting attitude and the courtesy that she has shown your relationship and tell her that you


Has he given you any reason to believe he's not still in a relationship with this woman? Has he followed through on any of the things he said he would do to assure you that his marriage is over? I'm sorry that this is happening to you, but from what you wrote it seems pretty clear this this guy is a manipulator who is

Touché is a fencing term. It's a joke. Welcome. lose all credibility when someone makes a good point and you ignore it to call them out on a pronoun slip that isn't even a slip.

Wasn't Stewart's big break a film directed by a woman?

This article really contradicts the one from earlier about how female celebrities aren't allowed to ever live shit down. WTF?

when you've met a tiny 5-year-old raped so hard she couldn't sit down for days,

Do you have any evidence that not posting photos like these prevents the rape of children?

Wouldn't the natural extrapolation of this be just not posting pictures of your (the royal your) children on social media? Which at the end of the day maybe wouldn't be the worst thing to happen in the history of the universe (of social media). I don't have kids so who knows, maybe some day I will go nutty for this

This is so surreal. I've been working with Ross on some nonprofit projects as of late, and he couldn't be a nicer guy. That child meant the world to him, and he is in absolute hell right now. Please send thoughts of sympathy to him and his family.

Guys, I know this dude — we've worked together on some projects. I just heard about it, and my heart is just sick. He's a super-nice guy — I just can't imagine what he's going through. That kid was his world. Mutual friends say he's obviously absolutely despondent. Please have some sympathy for him and his family.

Well, la-di-fucking-da that you happen to be at another level of human that transcends all of the faults and missteps that us normal humans seems to be subject to. Pray tell, if you're so above us, why can't you figure out a way to not sound like such a nasty, cold, heartless bitch???? Oh, never mind-empathy. Get some.

Leave your phone, your purse or your wallet next to the kid, in the back. Leave a bear or plush something in the passenger seat that you then sit in the car seat when you take the kid out.