
Yeah, I think that's fair. We definitely took that into account. Really we made the calls based on how long/how serious the couple is, whether or not we'd ever met the SO before, whether or not the invited friend would have other friends there, and how far they'd be coming. It didn't please everybody, but most people

:) Thanks

This is GENIUS. I wish I had thought of this 2 years ago!!

Yep, I have, and that was not the case for us—every person made a difference in terms of rentals & food. Interesting! Agree to disagree, I guess.

Let's say you have a friend, X, from high school, who you haven't seen in a long time but still consider important to you. X has started dating Y last year; you've never met Y. You cannot afford to invite Y to the wedding. Do you seriously think it's more rude to invite X without Y than neither X nor Y? This is a

Oh yeah I am totally pro- this lady getting a +1 (although I kind of have to wonder if her boyfriend is secretly a serious dick everyone hates?). I'm just saying, in general, I don't think it should be taken as a given that you'll get one.

This is cray.

AGREED on the backstory. Part of me is like, what did your boyfriend dooooo?

Yeah, exactly. One name on the envelope, no plus guest, got a lot of "Mr. X & Ms. Y, we're so excited!!!!!" So many awkward phone calls in which I had to explain how poor we are.

I don't totally disagree. We tried to invite as many long-term couples as we could, and even shorter ones if we felt like we knew both people well enough. But weddings really aren't a celebration of every relationship ever, you know? I don't think it's insane for the bride and groom to have to set some boundaries. In

NO. I refuse to believe this story because it makes my brain bleed.

A few didn't come in the end, and some are still angry with us. I have sympathy up to a point, because it's not like I didn't want to invite their SOs. But we just couldn't afford it. And you know—a wedding is not your date night. If that's what you're looking for from the experience, you're probably better off

SO MANY PEOPLE DID IT. I'd say like 8-10. Thereby putting us in the situation of having to say, sorry, actually, no. I felt like a monster.

Letter Writer #1 should just send back an RSVP card with her boyfriend's name on it. That is how many of my friends whose significant others were not invited handled it. #stillbitter

Oh, God, I really loved this. Sneak attack weirdly moving ending!