
If he's not allowed the net for five years, he's going to miss a lot of developments in a formative period of his life. He might be useless.

Asimov approached it, with the final result of his stories being the robots in charge, and controlling all we do, to the betterment of mankind, but not telling us they were doing it.

If it helps for balance, I've no idea who you are either.

Selection bias. Basically everyone on telly is "nice looking", and you only hear about the crazy ones.

Doing a very brief wikipedia summation, there's roughly a 1 in 6 chance you'll die from non-natural causes.

All three of those sources give different numbers. The rankings change considerably between them due to the relatively small difference in the top 25-50.

Even if it did...

Surely woodholes describes it nicely.

Surely the number of books to be digitised must be going down. Any book nowadays starts out electronic. You certainly shouldn't be scanning in a new paperback.

You could cheat, and ask her. "Say, I drew you in the secret santa. I'm happy to have a shot at guessing something you might like, but I thought I might give you the chance to request something. I know it's slightly against the idea, but I think it's the most utilitarian method. If not, no worries."

Is it me, or is random kissing not still inappropriate?

Chocolate - awesome.

I've got one of the 505s, and I've still not found anything that will convince me to upgrade. It's got a set of physical buttons that are actually useful, and the ability to read epubs is just too handy to give up.

Just watched it. It's brilliant. The joke's repetitive, but good slapstick can be.

Well, the problem is, while the camera is running, the person holding it is cueing the dogs to behave in a particular way. It's remarkably hard to get dogs to perform very precisely while filming them. You really need three hands.

Cross post this to Jezebel. Go on. I dare you.

Maybe that's great. But it's almost certainly going to be about the watered down, crap version of Constantine. Which they're cancelling the main Hellblazer for. It's a fucking tragedy.

What's there to say? Older white men tend to vote republican? It's hardly a shocking discovery. I'm more interested in an analysis of the validity of their data. It's based on exit polls, but misses at least a quarter of the states. How valid are exit polls as predictors of results?