
Because if there’s no afterlife (and I’ve not seen any evidence that suggests there is), then killing someone who is fully conscious of their environment and can perceive the future loss of existence is the most immoral act imaginable. We should not do it.

If we're making our own mini-blogs, as the great and powerful Nick seems to want us to do, are you going to pay us for impressions? Or is this a case of "please make us things for free, so we can have an awesome website without any outlay"?

Is there any way to easily see all comments in a chronological order yet? Kotakufix was wonderful for seeing everything in a sensible order. The (another bloody) change has stopped that working. Am I missing a handy button somewhere or are we still stuck clicking a thousand times until someone gives me another

I derived more amusement from the image of someone carefully standing there with an ipad looking like a pillock filming it.

Number 6: Have a gawker account.

There's that many people.

Alright, fine. I put forward my ethical system. From now on, you all have to behave precisely as I do. I'm looking forward to this.

When you apply all these terms and call it technology, am I correct in thinking that it's just coloured lenses? There's not some gadget wizardry involved?

Maybe, maybe not. China has a population roughly three times that of the US. Assuming the same spread of people (maybe not quite right, due to the large rural population), they've probably got a greater number of software experts. And usually, the numerical advantage is hard to beat.

Honestly, cooking is its own reward.

During a bar fight, it indicates your extreme distress by separating itself from your body and shoving itself down your throat.

As a complete offtopic, have just worked my way through Season 1 of Person of Interest. It is astoundingly good. Is Season 2 just as excellent? Am waiting for the end of the season to watch it through.

Always attack a Sontaran from the rear.

Penalties, England v. Germany in the semi-finals, England shooting first, and ahead at 5-4. German takes run up for final shot, and gets hit by a freak meteorite.

And my dog has become so focused on chasing balls that she has developed an unnatural behaviour of bringing them to me.

Why am I not surprised you've been married three times?

And are you really Daniel?

Except Horrible is shown throughout to have no real plan to improve the world, just:

I've reached the conclusion that it's not worth trying to argue with the people that claim anything can be art.

I suspect the answer is yes, assuming the game is violent. Our mental make-up is considerably affected by our environment. Grow up with violent parents, you have a greater chance of growing up with violent tendencies.