
Easily the best of the bunch. Remarkable really, given the minimal effort.

Eh, can't say it did all that much for me. A nice idea, but a bit oversentimental. Rather surprised it won all of those.

Android was playing.

Way overpriced.

I'm working on the principle of a deterministic universe, where everything is governed by the physical laws. If there's no separation of the mind/soul from the brain, your brain is fully controlled by the underlying physics of the universe. In that case, your choices and emotions are decided prior even to your birth,

You hoping this "article" will be retweeted then?

Then where do you want him to get his ethical code?

If you assume free will, then the choice of how to respond to an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy is yours. It doesn't matter how the spark came about, it's still you choosing how to respond. The argument then goes that god instituted the spark that way because he knew how you would respond. You've still chosen, he

A hell of a lot of justifications we have for things come from "imaginary" things.

You're evidently still in the anti-theist part of the atheism arc, so I'll just reiterate. I don't believe in god, but understand that here, he was making a point that was separate from scientific theory, and as such, doesn't really have a place in the article. That's all I was saying.

Dunno. Don't believe in god. If I did, I'd probably argue that that was the result of man's will, while the pregnancies themselves were the result of god's will.

I'm not saying his belief is replacing science. My original point in the post was simply that his comment didn't have anything to do with science.

I'd be more worried about the fact that these are people who at some point had some political success. That means enough people agreed with them.

As much as it pains me to say it, there's nothing inherently wrong with the rape and pregnancy argument from a philosophical point of view.

Is this size big enough to read digital comics on? That's what I imagine myself mainly using it for, but with the 10 now out, I'd quite like an experts opinion, before I end up with a device potentially too small.

Why not just not serve that many chips?

I think for most people, you eventually realise there's a size beyond which a house is too big to live in. Sure, there's the ludicrously rich people who've got boatloads of cleaners and gardeners and whatnot, but if you're not really happy having servants, you can only have something so big before you stop using all

You know, fuck all the politics palaver.

I've got rather clever one that allows me to talk to people without wires. Marvellous.

Well, the mother generally takes six months off anyway to breastfeed, so it seems fairly predictable that they'll find themselves having built up the routine and it's easier for them to continue than to switch over.