
Why? Do you really need validation from people you'll never meet? Hell, in this case, it's even worse as fake validation.

Man, who cares about cheese. I'm only here because of the pic of Wallace and Gromit.

Man, who cares about cheese. I'm only here because of the pic of Wallace and Gromit.

I'm waiting for the prequel: Harry Potter and the Cease and Desist.

Don't know why they called it bleem. "Ump" makes considerably more sense.

It's going to be a damn long time until we can model the world. To model the world, you need a computer more advanced and more complex than the world. That's a long way off.

Same reason people want a puppy instead of a rescue dog. No baggage, can mold it entirely in your image.

The amount of clicking needed to get through all the replies is agonising. To read all of the replies coming from one comment, I need to click through a hideous tree like structure.

Well, it's better than the other thing, an evolved desire to protect the tribe. Religion, at least, suggests that we should be nice to all other people (unless we're on a Crusade). The evolved instinct only really works for people within our monkeysphere.

Chemistry. We've all got the same rhodopsin types in our eyes, and they all respond to the same wavelengths of light. There might be variations in numbers of type and so on, and the odd wacky brain mutation, but everyone's responses are going to be roughly the same. The tetrachromats simply see a slightly more

This is the exact same procedure used by supermarkets.

Christ. Stop repeating that. If you're being overtaken on the right, because the chap behind you suddenly appeared, doing twenty over the limit, he's wrong, and he's a dipshit.

Torn horribly. The film sets out to make the genetically inferior chap sympathetic, and does it bloody well. But the idea of being able to make better people...that's been the entire point of medicine since it started.

This always sort of throws me. Feel free to shout me down for being a horrible old bigot, but unless you're polyamorous, surely sexuality doesn't matter if you're in a monogamous relationship?

What's the ethical question about using illegally distributed materials to solve (and indeed set) a challenge.

I wish I hadn't "saved the date". I allowed the missus to join me in nerdiness with the last episode of Season 4 of the new run of Doctor Who.

Bollocks. You live in a world where you can sit around in your underpants waffling on the internet, which appears to be your dream activity. You can't be any more than an agnostic.

Saw it immediately. Thought that was part of the joke.

Also, if you send up an unsafe ship and someone dies, the mission might well be tanked anyway. There's a reason there's actual people up there. If the person with the required knowledge dies, you've wasted the money anyway.

I wouldn't worry about it. Pedia has got pretty obsessive about that sort of thing nowadays. Anything mentioned in internet prominent places, i.e. xkcd, or Colbert gets locked until it dies down. In fact, they've already locked it, quoting this comic.