
Given that he now dictates*, and presumably gets it typed up by someone with above average typing speed, he is most likely speeding up.

Hell, you could define a standard unit for pageviews in terms of how many extra pageviews the addition of a nipple provides.

Can I ask why? Would it not make more sense to have the author of the piece write a fitting title?

I'd be interested to know how you discounted the placebo effect. If it's just you doing something, you're just as at risk of believing you're doing something effective that isn't, having simply moved your skepticism to something else.

How do you match that viewpoint with one that says the people buying "unnecessary" items, generally have greater disposable income, and are more able to buy children into higher echelons of society?

Maybe, but nothing generates a good idea better than increasing your source group.

The author mentioned that the comic can get dark.

What is the insistence on running everything through an app nowadays? It's the worst way of destroying future proofing I've seen.

Not talking about melting, but chemical attack. As an analogy, iron will rust at room temperature, but melt at 1500 degrees. Tantalum needs 150 degrees to show damage from aqua regia (nitric+hydrochloric acid). Though stronger acids (e.g. the HF in the article) will attack it at room temp.

I'm going to sidestep the race issue entirely, because I last watched Khan so long ago that I had no idea what colour the chap was.

Why bother? With seven billion brains kicking around, it's probably easier to wait till one of them dies near to a biolab.

I rather hope they fail miserably to sort out the laws before we get up there. I'm quite looking forward to the first interplanetary war.

Interesting questions in the comments so far.

I'd be tempted to say that fear of retribution is what is stopping people from misbehaving.

On both a cheerier and more grim note, there's no limit of chocolate for dogs that have to be put down anyway. This was best demonstrated by my local vets, where a dog that was suffering badly from some problem or other came in to be put down, and was have the time of its life being fed mini creme eggs in the waiting

I usually go to the comic shop, but ebay does a perfectly good job when I can't.

Initially the author just sexied up Twilight as a fanfic. When there was actual interest in it as a marginally more interesting style, the twilight characters were ripped out and "original characters! do not steel!" were slotted in.

Because if pi was different, pie would stop working.

I've got two runs memorised (big ones, obviously). If I ever find myself in the recent past, I'm not going to be wanting for money. Note, this also counts as one of those temporal passwords things.

What a elightfully electable little tale. Wonerfully ark, with a surprisingly involving "plot". I am impresse.