
Increased awareness, and possibly widening of the diagnostic limits.

I love that:

You can all sucht my witzel any day.

Does that include the critically panned but secretly enjoyed (at least by me) Dungeons and Dragons film?

They're only part of the weapons system. Those are the "spotter" lights. The actual weapon is slowly pointing in our direction, and is far more horrible.

Oh I heartily agree on this. As much as I would delight in school kids enjoying the greats, I'm not so daft as to ignore the fact that some of the greats can be quite hard starters. I'm all for going on easy reading initially, and hoping it sparks a greater interest in books in general.

Now see, that's a common event in a hell of a lot of post apocalypse stories. But there's no way it's true of most nuclear plants. Sure, if some pillock starts messing about with it then I could see it going horribly wrong, but they'd have to know a lot even to work the thing.

Really? You think in today's world time spent copying a map is valuable? Because I don't.

Repeatability is a useful measure of the validity of an experiment, but that's difficult when you're using such a wildly exotic piece of equipment. It's easy to check that mixing ethanol and icecream doesn't make gold, but it is remarkably hard to check whether things are going faster than the speed of light.

If you want to write that, I'll happily read it!

Sort of.

Okay. I have ranted and raved about this, but I gave up a couple of days ago. I like Io9 too much to dump it, and there's nothing really comparable out there. ( I asked Kat Hannaford, but no chance of an Io9Uk apparently).

Run up a google docs spreadsheet of meals. Keep track of what was easy, what was tasty, and keep links to recipes in it. Then just share it with as many people as you want, and they can help plan a week or give opinions on food.

I'd like to suggest a particularly effective method for getting meal planning sorted.

I'm not always on twitter. I hate fucking twitter. But it's the lesser of the three sodding evils here. Fuck this is annoying.

Is this damned thing going to have to open up twitter in a new window every time I log in now?

Make it useful. Set up a new twitter. Make the only post #nickdentonisaprick. Let's see if we can't get it trending.

Clicking on the things causes the site to try and reload only the central article, as part of the crazy 2.0 thing. Unfortunately, in firefox, the coding is fucked. I've gotten into the habit of middle clicking everything, as opening it in a new tab loads the entire page anew, and seems to avoid the problem.

Oh, that's hilarious: