
God, weightlessness screws with my head. I sat there for a good ten seconds thinking "go on, show me it turn upside down" before I realised what an idiot I was being.

The trouble, I think, is that it's actually a victim of its own success. Too many people are aware of it, and spot it happening. At that point, they're likely to suspect you of merely trying to manipulate them (which we all are, but we try and pretend otherwise), and so a bit of a creep, giving you the opposite of the

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Oh, I don't know. How about Christopher Lee stabbing nazis?

Not if you've got insurance. And if you've got a dog, you really should have insurance.

There's seven billion of us. Even if something enormously bad happens, the odds of it killing all of us is pretty small I reckon. And it's not just the concept of simple numerical odds. That many of us means we're developing technology at an astounding rate. We're likely to be able to invent a solution to anything

I reckon it's easier just to buy a big ceramic bowl. Bit harder to push that around.

Just pretend it's Hawkeye in a Robin Hood costume.

I'm guessing he's not letting any big drops escape from the thing out into the open, and it looks like the jet was in a box. You can see a couple of drops that land on the front plate.

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I really wanted this to be a real film when I saw it. Had to be told it was an advert for a car.

Star bandages are called "vet wrap". Pretty common animal bandaging tool:

Older in terms of fictional age of the character.

Sure. Hell, you can have every ipad I own.

I think the problem with it is that the show is marketed as "funny for nerds!", by people who want me to watch it, but actually, the show is "aren't nerds funny!" As I nerd, I want the first, not the second.

There's also a couple of Radio 4 outings. I'd recommend Elvenquest and Hordes of the Things. Both readily available on the internet.

I've tried the film a few times, but I can't get past the cheapness. I got the impression I'd stumbled onto someone's home video collection, and I just couldn't cope with the stilted conversations.

Hell, imagine if they managed to get Jenny, the Doctor's Daughter up the duff.

Heartily agree. Jack is remarkably enjoyable. I'd certainly rate it above SS Myra, which while having passable art, has little to no sense of humour.

No, it's perfectly fitting. Now, if the bar was called the "perfectly healthy foodshop, in which nobody has any coronary problems", (not catchy, but I'm a nerd, not a writer), then you would have a valid point.

Scientists are too busy doing science. Politics is for sociopaths.

Woah, hey. I'm not sure child porn is the best way to attract the readers you want to the blog.