
To be a big wet liberal lefty (I think, not American, so guessing on political positions), not everyone needs a gun to feel manly?

You've just followed the wiki link and looked at the media section. To quote:

Is that fair though? To use the cheaty example, and the one they mentioned above, would you say the Lord of the Rings wasn't 'mature'? It wasn't grim and gritty, but it certainly wasn't simplistic or infantile. I don't think the change from larger scale to smaller scale fiction can be called a maturing effect.

Someone tell me if I'm misreading it massively. Is this the chap who said (probably paraphrased), "Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains however improbable must be the case"?

XXXV QVVX: "Have found Lost Continent of Atlantis. High Priest has just won quoits contest."

I think you'll all missing a crucial element. This story features Wurzel Gummidge on a quad bike.

Honestly, the book was written before his crazy started getting into his writing.

Some things are self-fulfilling prophecies. A scientist thinks: hey, that Minority Report film was cool, and we have the kinect.

I wouldn't say no to an original DS zelda game. Ocarina is enormous fun, but a new one? I could be very happy about that.

Now playing

Yes, definitely. Thunderbirds main theme is my alarm in the morning. (And boy, does the wife hate it.) But it gets me up and going.

Given that in total, the films made over 4 billion dollars, no small part of which has to be coming from rereleases?

Given the assumption about single shoulder rucksacks, isn't it also a fair assumption that most people won't bother putting their bag over their head?

@Scout: Yes, you're definitely wacko.

Anyone else concerned that this'll lead to the more sensational types of headline we've seen recently? The ones that are directly contradicted by the rest of the article?

@tasteskindasalty: Yes, but so is having your pockets gone through, and that's a perfectly standard arrest procedure.

@Rils: It was a colony. They had space travel to get there, but it had gone a bit wrong, and the corrupt Karzan had killed things a bit.

@Diogenes-the-Cynic: It doesn't break many moulds. It's still a superhero versus villain story. While it's a bit grimmer, it's not revolutionary.

How do you reply to those who accuse you of faking good press with your reward scheme for good amazon reviews, etc?.

I must say, this seems really uncomfortable. You've seen the reaction to posts about his book, and instead of considering them as an opinion on your content, that you might be wise to listen to, you're telling us you're only going to let nice questions remain. Does that mean that if we were to ask "do you feel it is