
This is pretty cool. I love the trends that just pop out at you as it wanders through the years. How it starts off all Dan Dare, heads into Dredd for a fair long while then gets a lot more varied. I love watching the way the art changes over the years, getting more polished, but losing some of that mad busyness it

Jeeves and Jarvis being coincidental? I suspect that's probably not true.

@Killjoy: Has his stuff been looked at by anyone else on staff to see whether it has value or is just another bit of self-help shtick?

Any chance of some transparency with this? If he's paying you in some way to advertise in some way, let us know. If he's here because he's a friend of Lams, explain the nepotism. If he's here because you think it's worthwhile, give us a little explanation why somebody who seems rather shady, and a bit too dependent on

@heytherefancypants: It's probably because 1) it's very easy to miss a comment in that sort of thing, and b) anybody with a breached account could be posting fraudulently and either asking for an account deleted, or a password changed.

A friend of mine dropped his beer gut rather nicely. His diet trick was quite simple.

Wow, I bet that was satisfying to squeeze. Just like the world's biggest spot.

Can the images in these pages be turned into links? I do a lot of middle clicking to get me to the referenced article in a new tab, and by the time I get to them, I've closed down this tab and found only a pic.

Can we change your linking system?

I wouldn't worry. It'll be on TPB ten mins after it's out. And they wonder why piracy is so common.

@Badmofo: All those hacked accounts? They're being used to post adverts on twitter for the magical acai berry cure.

The comparison to strip clubs is a usefuk one, and raises the same questions. When you asked whether it's harder or easier to maid than strip, I wonder what the enjoyment percentages are.

1x1 = ?

@elementary: Here's a suggestion. Post a comment. Include within it an email address you create now to act as a throwaway. Email the comment/user admins. Give them a link to the comment, and tell them you'd like to retain your account. Tell them to contact you at the email address you post.

@bobdeloyd: Not sure you can. They seem to have a single commenter system. Stars are awarded individually, but you can log in to any of the sites. Which is actually a bit of a sod, cause I suspect lifehacker on its own might have run better security than the money focused overlords.

@Kamatari +: Given that the system seems to keep try of when people got starred, I'll assume they know if people are starred legitimately or not.

Given just how many books (of all genres) have been published, I suspect you can find "prophesies" for every major event, with a sufficiently large group of nerds. So: who can suggest prophetic works for:

Can't really make much of a comment about this, as only get about a fifth of the way in, but the ludicrous amount of techno-speak killed it for me. It wasn't worth slogging through to find whatever plot is in there.