
@k.wendila: @Technogamer1992: Just promoting these two for being right. A bit of searching agrees with them.

Has the sonic screwdriver ever screwed a screw?

@vinod1978: Do you really think anyone could afford the massive drop in oil supply that would be caused by BP stopping producing what we basically drink?

@Mentuss: Sminky pinky Chris Waddle.

This is really quite a nice piece of journalism. Have you considered submitting it somewhere else?

@HeroOfTomorrow is lonely: I decided long ago that I had to separate the thought processes about the two parts. To quote Old Harry, "Never confuse the author with their work." For instance, I can't say I approve of Orson Scott Card's views on gay marriage, but I sure enjoy the shit out of Ender's Game. I could allow

"Much too soon?" Wow, talk about beating a dead horse.

But what about all the babes of the wood and their cherry red lips? This reminds me of that corpse eating robot:

@Arabonis: Man, I was sad when that was cancelled. What happened to his dad!?

@jedi4life: Just in case you're serious:

@Akhamar: Yeah, and Aeire actually required you to explicitly avoid sex in order to keep her faith in you. An interesting subversion.

There's a lot of comments here, so sorry if this has been brought up earlier.

We really shouldn't worry, after all:

@flux: If you're gonna be pissy and post a lmgtfy link, don't hide it behind a tinyurl. Just makes you look like an arsehole.

@jhicks631: Just get yourself a throwaway facebook. I'm Tom Tomorrow, and it's used entirely for crap.

@yagameister: Okay, that's way too long for a useful acronym. Especially "ain't"?

Unless you run adblock, noscript, and a variety of fakebook and twoddle accounts.

@waclark57: Except you can't share and replay perfectly what you see.

@Sublethalend: Well, a lot of the time you're pumping yourself full of chemicals that the body already produces, and you're giving yourself a top up. The pill for instance, is probably the most widely taken medicine, and it's just a higher concentration of a natural bodily hormone.