
@Charlie Jane Anders: That wasn't where I was going with that. I was more curious with the epithet "coloured". Thought that had gone out of fashion somewhat.

"Writers of colour"?

@RubiksCube: Cept that, you know, we got it free.

@SquareWheel: More than that, why on earth would I "like" any of the evil week articles with my real name? Damn fool idea.

@Kat Hannaford: Then don't reply to it. You're sounding very confrontational, and I'll turn your argument around on you. "If you don't want to waste time responding to my posts, don't read it." But don't pretend you're doing us a favour by interacting, and then blow off comments. But I think this is getting a little

@Kat Hannaford: THe X10 you chose not to review at the time, as it wasn't the final product. There was always the suggestion you'd review it when it was completed. Here, you've ignored the attempt at a smartphone from one of the biggest phone companies, mainly because "we're not interested".

Wow, there are a hell of a lot of things I don't understand in this article.

@Jultomten: Remember that scene in X-men where Magneto rips all the iron out of a guy's blood?

@erphan: Tell it to Giz.

@JuneBeatle80: Yep. I've a personal one and one I use for being a 15 year old girl on the internet. Thus far, I haven't mixed the two up, though I did come very close to "like"ing Bieber on my personal one once.

@muppetjedi: Genetic engineering is much easier, and potentially much more fun.

@sombre: So buy a bottle of water as well.

@crazypills77: Can you invent a technique for increasing the zoom level of an image without the use of an external interface, or a hardware button?

I've always been fond of this. My favourite is to activate long chain polymers by the application of a heated fluid, to reduce the Young's modulus and increase the ductility of the bulk form.

@mipakr: They prepared to work and live onsite, for a lot less than minimum wage?

@Quilt: Congratulations. You now match your profile picture.

@bigd7387: While alcohol provides the same intoxicating effects as weed, it has been demonstrated to not possess the same long-term psychological effects that weed might.

@Spidery_Yoda: "Don't worry Leia, the Pope says it's fine."

Keep your files in your own redundant back up system, and move data around in incredibly small, incredibly cheap storage.