@excaliburps: "Only hope people still play it's MP to this day..."
@excaliburps: "Only hope people still play it's MP to this day..."
If you think that's going over the top, it's probably best that they didn't mention the "Batman Forever"-style escape tube that enables him to rocket from his desk chair to the safety of his underground Bergcave.
@paulrenzo: Aerodynamicists have determined that, by posing in this formation, the lead girl creates a low air pressure "wake" which then reduces hair-do impairing turbulence for the other girls.
@Benny: True - but then, you could have said pretty much the same thing about the Spice Girls when they showed up in the mid-nineties. UK comedian David Baddiel summed up their visual appeal brilliantly when he said that they were the sort of girls that, were you to see them working in a supermarket, you'd say "she's…
@battra92: We get to pick two each? Excellent! Put me down for 3 and 8!
"Visually uneven"? Rather a vague comment. His company is responsible only for the facial animation in Alan Wake, and the facial animation in Heavy Rain is excellent. Some specifics would have been helpful, otherwise it's difficult to agree or disagree with him!
@smbu2000: On the other hand, Alan Wake is NOT going to be released on the platform on which it was actually demonstrated in the first place :)
@Francis Nyarku: "Does the Eye Toy have advanced gesture recognition, facial recognition, and voice recognition????
@the7k: Always nice to see "onomatopoeia" getting used correctly. You gain a follower :)
It's probably best to adopt the Fawlty Towers policy:
@BallPtPenTheif: "Taking advantage of the PS3s features requires some degree of tinkering and experimenting. The Text Chat channels on the PS3 are actually excellent and far more useful but their use is kind of hidden. I blame Sony."
What sorcery is this? PC gamers can't connect their PC's to television sets! Microsoft made that very clear when they explained why Alan Wake would now be a 360 exclusive:
@Evdor: Wonderboy. But we STILL don't know the secret of his power.
@Erwin: If you want to see what John Wayne can do, watch The Shootist. It's really worth your time.
@BritBloke916: I'll grant you that it's just Seven Samurai in a Western setting, but still...
No Magnificent Seven?
In other games you sit on your ass and your character moves around. Finally we can play a game where your character sits on his ass and you move around.