
@NeVeRMoRe666: It picks colours that are visually distinct from the background - so if you don't want it to ever turn pink, you're going to have paint your living room pink. A small price to pay, surely :)

They already made a really good Akira movie. It's called Akira. I have it at home on DVD. A live-action version is going to be a very hard sell to movie audiences given its (fabulous) plot complexity and (wonderful) wierdness.

@Bardock: I've seen Akira five or six times and understood it more each time - crucially, those viewings included a couple of different variations of subtitles and dubs, so I've heard the same ideas explained in a variety of ways. It's worth sticking with it.

@Danza: More information about MLAA here:

This morphological anti-aliasing that they're doing with the SPUs is astounding to me. Since most multi-platform games don't make much use of the Cell's SPUs it would be great if this becomes a widely used approach - might herald the end of "jaggies" on the PS3! Tech sharing FTW :)

@Komrade Kayce: Just as long as I don't have to endure Klinger's wardrobe selections :)

For more authentic war games to work, they need to be the result of a lot of research and huge respect for the subject matter. They would feature very diferent, much more methodical gameplay. That's going to be a very difficult pitch when the cheaper and safer alternative right now is for a developer to just throw

@#c20233975 Fair enough. Personally, whilst I went straight from a NES to a SNES my brother owned a Genesis, and so I got to play excellent games like Star Control and Castle Of Illusion from time to time. I also have a particular soft spot for the 2600 (as you'll have gathered from my avatar). The Empire Strikes Back

@BritBloke916: I thought you just meant that it could never happen (on a regular dice, it obviously couldn't). Monday mornings are tough for me...

@puzl: On the "D&D standard" D20, that's not such a hard ask ;)

@patrickpeppers: More dining rooms should be like yours. Incidentally, your collection is sorely missing a Megadrive / Genesis (I was a Nintendo fanboy myself back then, but the 16-bit Sega line-up includes some cracking stuff).

I still haven't played Heavy Rain, and I'm on the fence about ever playing it - simply because, as the father of a ten-month-old baby boy, I suspect that I would find elements of it very distressing. With barely enough time for any gaming at all I prefer to stick to the fun stuff when I do get the chance to play.

Dungeons & Dragons is the work of the devil!

@gurfinki: The 360 only ever has a significant frame rate advantage during certain close-up sections of cut scenes - hardly surprising, since it renders these scenes at a fraction of the PS3's resolution. During actual gameplay, the frame rate difference between the two is infinitesimal (even though the 360 is still

@Axialmatt: Oh my. Are you going to play the reliability card? Really? :)

@Elven_Star: "last time I checked, people loved FFVII due to the nice story and its unforgettable characters"

@skitzogreg: Your PS3 is loud? Maybe it's overheating and having to crank its fans up to max. Have you tried vacuuming the vents (obviously make sure it's unplugged)? Or is it the Blu-Ray drive that's noisy (only noisy when accessing the disk)? Noise is generally not something that PS3s are noted for.