
Honestly I forgot she existed. There’s really only one slot in my head for racist blondes and Tami Lorren and Meeghan McCain are slap fighting over it. 

president dawned his kaftan

As someone born and raised in his district ... FUCKING FUCK THIS FUCKING GUY WITH A RUSTY RAKE TURNED SIDEWAYS!

They never should have covered him with a government-issued blanket.

Ok stupid question. Is medical debt something that the average American worries about? Does it depend of where you live and what employer you have? 

Indeed.  I had one once on a trip through Louisville, and I still remember it fondly to this day.  A helluva sandwich (even though it’s a fork and knife affair).

Donald Trump did not understand, in the end, that just because we were friends didn’t mean he wasn’t going to be subjected to the proper scrutiny. He thought CNN should give him a pass because we were friends

He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.

Perhaps the NRA should have stayed in their lane and just dealt with guns and gun safety and stayed out of politics. 

Name checks out.

Mia, honey?

USMNT hands down. Supposed deepest team ever, rigged qualifying system to help them make the World Cup, playing against Mexico and a bunch of banana republics, and still botched it.  While the entire world watched and laughed. arch-nemesis...

Top Tip if you’re ever flying out of Denver again. Instead of going through one of the main security lines, walk over to the first terminal and go through the security line on the walkover bridge.

Agreed. DEN is to be avoided, and it isn’t actually in Colorado.

His name is Bluesifer. Respect his blue veiny balls

Yeah...Denver is a mountain town in that you can see mountains from Denver on clear isn’t actually that close to any mountains. And the closest real mountains, which Colorado does have a ton of, are at least 2 hours a way by car. While their laws are diffidently light years better then in Utah, SLC is an

Demon Horse? It’s Blucifer to you good sir/madam.