
Am I the only one who doesn't think "Ophelia-like" is a compliment?

since it's Google's baby it should get updates from the mothership for a long time to come.

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May this short film I helped work on make you happier:

If those guys are from Utah, then those rocks couldn't be more than six thousand years old.

I can all but guarantee these man-children voted for Mike Lee.

Creepy and isolated, frozen crazy scary stuff.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

If that's "fat" to you, then you probably never have been laid.

Nice effort by ESPN, but they got completely one-upped by NBC Sports today.

Woodford Reserve does something similar to increase the aging process, and the results are delicious. They still use charred white oak barrels, but their rick-houses are artificially heated to essentially create two hot/cold (summer winter) temperature swings per year instead of the one everyone else gets. The upshot