Bright Heathen

Famous white "feminist" explores her 1 year old sister's vagina, carefully spreading it apart (because she wasn't resisting!) and checkin it out, later she bribes her sister with candy to give her long kisses and to lay on her, later she lays in bed next to her and masturbates, and then later outs her to the family.

If you invite a child molester into your home, around your children, you are an abuser. You are basically aiding and abetting at that point.

She has to. There is some law that was passed back in the day that requires the parents of child stars to put a large percentage of the money their children earn in a trust for them.

LOLOLOL People have A LOT of feelings that need expressing.

I felt really weird doing my baby registry, like I do not typically tell people what to give me as a gift. Eventually I was talked into it but I just used it as a way to try to communicate our taste and aesthetic. No one used that fucking thing. I ended up returning 75% of what we got and at the end I had about $700

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. It is all you need.

I decided to take back what I just said.

It almost looks romantic at this speed...

I picture you sitting there with a cactus firmly wedged up your ass. That is one possibility as to why you are usually such a nasty pile of shit. Or, maybe you are just naturally a pile of shit. Who knows, and you are right, most likely nobody does care about your mayonnaise ass.

Oh yeah, you aren't sanctimonious at all. And violent to boot. That is like your go to insult.


I'm not down with this "anything goes" thing I see many, typically white, feminists always espousing. Anything Goes Feminism doesn't mean that some women who want to critically think about and discuss things done by women need to just shut up. Fuck that. I don't give a single solitary fuck what this woman does to her

I know feel like the entire comment section is mocking me. :(


*cringe* I have a Pøang rocker and THAT VERY FUCKING SAME SCOOTER is pinned to my "Gift Ideas for Chickpea" board... :( I need to reevaluate my life

Where the fuck is de la Rocha?

Maybe this is why collectively white people have huge victim complexes. They think all the terrible shit that happened in the bible happened to people that looked like them. Just read a lot of the comments anywhere there are white people commenting, they act as if they are always being nailed to a cross, just like

We called it posting, as in "they are posted up at that table".

Do what you gotta do asshole.

Oh, since your a gay white man then being racist is A-OK. Go take your racist apologist circle jerk else where.