Bright Heathen

Why are you so mad? One less privileged racist white person taking up space and being shoved in our faces is a GOOD thing. Go find someone else to defend, go find something else to get your panties in a twist about.

Not when there are so many other jars of mayonnaise to choose from.

TOTALLY agree. When I use the word vagina I'm usually talking about it anatomically or in reference to healthcare or something along those lines. When I refer to my vagina as "cookie" or "papaya" or "mango" I'm usually talking about getting down and getting it on.

i honestly have no idea what you were trying to say

His ego has take over. His I does deeply despise.

That's your response? OK. I was holding my wiggly one year old daughter in my lap when I responded to you so you can go ahead and attack the grammar instead of the content. THAT speaks volumes.

You would think that after all the fucking around they do with this damn site they would actually be able to make it happen.

So money buys her her connection to a place. smdh you might just want to shush

"This woman has a better understanding of the variety of African cultures than most people in the world, probably including many inhabitants of the continent of Africa."


I must admit that I have witnessed parents doing exactly what you just said. I was a nanny for a very dear friend of mine for a couple of years. Both of us were a part of a larger group of women. She was the one out of all of us who met her partner early on and started having kids early (the rest of us didn't start

Yes, I know. I've lived a VAST majority of my life below the poverty line. I barely live above it now. We are talking about a woman who is bragging about her trip to Tibet and saying she couldn't go if she had a kid, glomming onto the wrong-headed trope that once you have children you can no longer do adventurous

You started talking to me, not the other way around. Feel free to make the choice to stop anytime. It won't cost you a thing.

Yeah, I do not regret my daughter at all. So maybe it's not defensiveness I feel. Maybe it's more along the lines of disdain.

I am an adult, who makes choices, who pays rent and pays for health insurance. And while there are some things I will choose to no longer do because I have my daughter, like, run off to Ferguson to march with everyone against police brutality and anti-Black cops, or join a Gaza flotilla brigade, traveling just isn't

I guess I get defensive with childless people who go on and on and on about it because it feels like they need to bash the decision to have children in order to make themselves feel OK about their decision not to.

Me and none of my friends are beyond working class. And I guess that's it right there, you listed your priorities. If the maintenance of your lifestyle is your first priority then you will ultimately have to put limitations on other things, or just not do those other things at all.

Then justify it specifically to the people giving you shit and leave the rest of us alone. If you are happy with your decision that is awesome, but pushing back on the decision I am happy with making strikes me as a little disingenuous and often makes me feel like some childless people really aren't all that thrilled

THAAAAAAAAAANK YOU!!!!!! For saying this. I don't care or mind AT ALL that other people do not, or may not, or even regret that they have children. It is none of my business. But good goddamn if it doesn't seem like many childless people go out of their way to be dicks about people who do have children. If I get

The thing is though, while these women have choices (albeit perhaps limited choices) their children do not. So, just out of decency and respect for the human beings they brought into this world they should attempt to be as discreet and compassionate as possible when it comes to airing their regrets. All of us have