Bright Heathen

It sounds like you have a lot of animousity towards women who are mothers. I could only get through a quarter of your bitter diatribe. Special snowflake? Fuck you, yes my daughter is a special snowflake, TO ME. You PERSONIFY childless women who fling shit at women who choose to be Moms. I didn’t have a child until I

Some say the end is near

When you defend a rapist, which she DOES, then you should be held accountable. Period. I believe there is a popular label for that: rape apologist.

So she shouldn’t be able to talk out of one side of her mouth all the while excusing her husband’s behavior and not get called out on the hypocrisy.

As a born & raised Central Valley girl living in the Tulare Basin and working on water issues I will tell you right now that there needs to be MORE red on that map, especially in the areas where the red is already congregated. There should NOT be food grown on the southwest side of I-5 or even in a good bit of Kings,

Can I get some advice please! One of my best friends is back with her emotionally manipulative and abusive boyfriend and she has just announced on FB that she is pregnant with their second child. The ONLY people to post happy congratulations to her were his friends and family. HER friends and family are MORTIFIED. I

These are YOUR people lady. Not much I can do about who you choose to surround yourself with.

You need better people in your life.

I hope that burden doesn’t hold you back in life.

Oh really? Is this the new standard? HOT DAMN! ANARCHY IS FINALLY HERE

You are talking about Shaun King and you are spreading lies. Shaun King is biracial and you need to look beyond right wing hate groups to get your information.

Authenticity isn’t just all the things you want to hear the way you want to hear them... We need to stop praising Bernie Sander’s authenticity if we are going to jump down the man’s throat whenever he shows authentic irritation or any other emotion that is widely percieved as “negative”. I don’t give a single,

DS9>every other star trek, ever. seriously, it’s the best one.

Did I just actually fucking read this?

And you certainly don’t see anyone trying to insult Jay over it either...

She needs to dump Drake as a friend too. Fuck that dude for using her success to insult another man. Wtf is that? Why is it a shameful thing for a man to be with a woman who is more successful than he is?

But you all certainly have passive aggression down :)

I love this SO much.

Anyone who votes for Trump should be deported.

I apologize for derailing from the topic of this particular thread, but I have a question. My best friend has been in a relationship with her very depressed partner for going on 5 years. She carries the financial burden as well as a vast majority of the household burden. When she met him he was being cared for

I’m an American, and my family and the families of other Brown people and those of Black people and other people of color have our lives stripped down and sacrificed in the name of Capitalism and white supremacy. So, why don’t you stop centering the Universe around yourself. I love this woman’s actions and I