Bright Heathen


I have a 3 month old Eleanor Morel. We had no idea Eleanor was becoming a popular name until after we named her that. Also, all throughout my pregnancy I was calling her Nori & then Kimye shit all over that for me. I'm thinking of calling her Nella for a nickname when she gets older, for now she is her mama's Chickpea

Around the same time they realize that the first person who actually starts designing hip clothes for women who are above a size 14 that are moderately affordable is going to be a kazillionaire.

Same here.

You are not being attacked by me and you know this. I have not called you names, I am not using abusive language with you.

OK, How did black men abuse both white and black women therefore forcing white women to engage in abusive power dynamics with black women in an attempt to maintain a twisted form of personal authority?

Will you please cut and paste these personal attacks? I'm hardly attacking you. Jesus.

You keep taking comfort in, "I'm not the only one, so there."

Because in order to talk about the How of a relationship developing a certain way you must address the Why and its dynamic. *sigh*

Because what is being addressed here is the relationship between WOMEN. Not and men too.

That is not where you derailed at. You derailed at the I cannot understand because Grammar.

I'm not a "majority rules" kind of lady, so you are barking up the wrong tree with that defense. I don't care if a VAST MAJORITY of the human population supported silencing Black thought because it was not delivered to them in a fashion they found more palatable. It's bullshit. It's bullshit to critique it that way.

Well rock on with your bad self then. Just make sure you nit pick about some bullshit because YOU cannot decipher something a vast majority of readers somehow managed to.

As long as everything is spelled correctly, yes?

It doesn't seem like enough...

So even though you understand the sentiment being expressed, though spelled incorrectly, it is A-OK for you to negate the feelings and perspectives of a Black person? Because they spelled something wrong? Really? Is that what you are really saying? Because when it comes right down to it I'm having a difficult time

That's not calling her a liar. The first is pointing out the absurd thing that white people tend to do when they are trying to stress that what they are saying is not racist, because they have a brown person in their lives who thinks the same thing. That is not calling her a liar, it is showing her she is being a jerk.

Yes, you as a white person used your "one brown friend" to discredit the very valid observation that white people have a tendency to negate the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of Black people because of the language/grammar being used.

Which was what YOU said originally. You used her to defend yourself, or your perspective rather.

Well now, YOU are lying. I never called her a liar. Thanks for playing.