Bright Heathen

Mostly because you don't know what you are talking about. Not being a mom and all. There is a huge difference between going to work and going overseas for days. Jesus.

That cat is gonna fuck someone up when it lands.

We are talking about one particular issue here, not the whole fucking realm of parenting. I'm absolutely sure that I am not and will not be the perfect parent. There is no such thing. But on this on little tiny slice of parenting, leaving your newborn at home while you attend fashion week in another country, i'm

Other moms can be wrong.

because you are not a mom.

Look up 4th trimester, it's not just my "opinion", it's fucking science. And yes, you not being a mom pretty much means YOUR opinion matters even less.

Because if you are a mom and you want to go leaving your brand new infant behind while you globe trot to fashion shows, hey, have at it. But that doesn't mean everyone else is obligated to support your selfish ass actions. I'm not one of these women who thinks that whatever anyone decides to do is a-ok, because it

Are you a mom?

Babies don't need their dads the same way as they need their moms... In the beginning at least. They were a part of us for 9 months. They call the first 4 months after giving birth the 4th trimester because of how incredibly important it is for the foundation of attachment, trust, and health building. Though fathers

For awhile, in the beginning, it has very little to do with what the mother needs or wants. It is ALL about what the baby needs and wants, and you can bet your ass, there are scientific studies that back this shit up, the baby wants the mom around pretty much 24/7. This is why I am pro-choice. If you are not ready to

I agree, there is a lot of Mom shaming. I really don't want to participate in it either. Maybe it's the fact that I have a baby girl that is almost 3 months old and couldn't imagine for myself taking off for any amount of time, certainly nothing overnight and never it a different country without her. Do my partner and

Don't act like you know my mind. I thought from the beginning the lack of Kanye being around to support Kim through her pregnancy was SUPER shitty and a pretty telling sign of what kind of father is going to be. People can spend their time how they like. But fuck yes, I judge them both, they are both assholes. It's

And I'm sure many of us are.

What did she go there for? Wasn't it fashion week or some such bullshit? She isn't Princess Diana traveling the globe trying to save children from landmines. Whatever. Like I said, she can do as she chooses. Leaving her baby to go party in Europe is probably not the worst mothering mistake she will make.

Exactly. And most of the women on here defending her, saying it's ok and everyone else are just haters, aren't even parents. I know that ultimately this is all just a matter of opinion, but damn, I wouldn't leave my baby girl to go out of state. In two weeks I have to go to a meeting that is 45 minutes away and I'm

No. The baby is sentient. Jesus fucking christ. She can do what she wants, but damn, I wouldn't leave my 2 and a half month old to go overseas for any extended amount of time. Your baby needs you close by for awhile. This is not about maintaining some sort of independence or autonomy, this is about taking care of your

Oh, I agree that he was a victim of our overly sexualized, porno infused culture. I'm just not sure he was a victim of that girl. She was 14! That is not old and wizened and mature.

No worries. I haven't read the comments questioning whether or not he raped her. Jesus, now THAT is a pretty foul stance to take... Everyone in a situation like that is pretty much a victim as far as I'm concerned.

What does Sean Penn or Mark Wahlberg have to do with this?