Bright Heathen

Like I said, I don't go around labeling other people's experiences for them. It really is as simple as that.

I don't know. I don't go around speculating and pushing labels onto other people & their experiences when 1. I don't know what really happened. and 2. That person doesn't view it that way themselves.

And how does anyone here know what really happened in that situation? How do we know that that young 14 year old girl wasn't coerced or bullied into having sex with an 8 year old by a group of older boys??? I have SEEN this kind of shit go down with my own eyes when I was younger. It was horrible.

For all the raging crazy bullshit that has happened over the Affordable Health Care Act the Obama Administration should have just gone balls to the walls and given us REAL socialized health care. If we are gonna fight this hard over something we should at least make sure it is worth it. I'd like to go to the fucking

It is always a huge mistake to have certain kinds of expectations of people who are so obviously oblivious to what is being expected. Just leave the Gorgas alone. Who fucking cares? They don't know or even can understand what the fuss is all about.

i LOOOVE your daughter's name! Especially Wilhelmina. Thank you for sharing that story with me. I'm going to look it up. I want to tell my daughter that story. :)

I love that!


One day she will be a 78 year old woman. ;)

I nicknamed my Eleanor Nori, long (months) before those Kim & Kanye bastards nicknamed their daughter Nori. We'll see what other nicknames come along. :) I despised my name until I was in my 20's, so I know the routine.

When it was first suggested I was really thrilled because I haven't heard of anyone naming their baby that, but then a month or two after we made the decision I saw it was on an up & coming popular baby names list. I was bummed but took heart in the fact that it was ranked 10th on a list of 10.

I just named my wee one Eleanor Morel. My boyfriend chose her first name & I chose her middle name. I like that older names are coming back into play.

I get stoned to make the "cooking and cleaning and studying and making a living and exercising and dieting and applying makeup and planning weddings and raising children and helping others" more enjoyable.

oh, he said most, not ALL. ;)

Right??? I would be scared shitless the whole time that my baby was suffocating or getting kidnapped or a million other horrors I most certainly could imagine. I have a 6 week old right now and I can barely be in a different room than her before my heart starts aching... :)

You addressed me personally, therefore I took it personally. It wasn't until my travels abroad (and living in Ireland for quite some time) that I realized how American I am and how much I can appreciate being an American. I only used the continent of Europe as an example because aside from Canada, Japan, and Mexico,

Who said the grass was greener? Don't put words in my mouth please. In my travels throughout Europe I've been to Sweden, Ireland, England, France, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Germany, & Turkey. I would have to say that Turkey is the most no no when comes to alcohol but I chalk that up to its large Muslim population,

I have A beer every other night, it is suppose to help increase milk supply (it has for me anyway) and I do not pump and dump. Moderation people. Moderation.

"That is because the world is not set up for you to have a beer and have a baby. It wants you to choose."

Fik-shun should have won no matter what. That guy was so freakin awesome, he stole the show every damn time he was on stage. As far as the contest between Amy & Jasmine, I was hoping Jasmine would win... She was just magical.