Bright Heathen

What a bunch of sweet talkers our boys abroad are!

How about I just not go to people's weddings. There, fixed.

Oh, how I wish I had invited you to my baby shower! It has been over a month and I still haven't sent Thank You cards though... *cringe* I know, I know... I FEEL super grateful, I do!

Since I've stopped smoking weed I've gained 35 pounds... But i'm pregnant. Pregnancy is not great for losing weight. Is "don't get pregnant" on the list?

It looks like an ancient Greek themed birthday party.

Look, I agree with you about that. I'm not sure how attractive a penis can look, though they can feel pretty damn good... But apparently, some women like to look at them. I honestly don't even know what is so appealing about sexting or doing this kind of stuff via the internet. I'm the kind of person that once I'm

I am ever so close to embarking on this journey called motherhood & I think A LOT about how we are going to raise our daughter. Both my partner and I were raised by single mothers where the "indulgence" in material things was limited, but the "indulgence" in our behaviors was more liberal considering limited time &

At least some of them were.

Ahhh, good news! I have a stack of books I'd like to read.

Yep yep. I'm about to give birth any day now and will be assisted by a midwife in a hospital. And as much as I'm hoping to be able to do this without the drugs I'm certainly not going to sit here and say I know how it's all going to go down & how I'm going to ultimately feel when the shit really starts hitting the

Then maybe voters are bigger pervs than Weiner.

I have rarely witnessed a politician displaying good judgement...

I am not requesting this in a snarky way at all but can you please link where you are getting the information that they were unsolicited shots? If, in fact, he was just sending out dick pics willy nilly then that certainly changes my perspective.

Well, I agree. If it is not consensual then it really isn't cool at all, but in all the reporting about this no one has made it clear that he was sending unsolicited dick pics, in fact most reporting on the subject makes it seem like the women were down for getting them. If some were not then that certainly should be

Well honestly there are not many wives who would be, but if she is standing by his side through this then it is obvious she has made her choice. I feel for her, but I'm not going to display some second hand moral outrage on her behalf. She's a grown ass woman who appears to be able to deal with her shit the way she

I love how people just NEED to be fucking condescending assholes on the internet.

I just finished Anathem the night before last. It was my goal before I gave birth. I'm due a week from today and figured I wouldn't have the opportunity to read a 900 page book for a number of years... :)

They should make Peeps out of these & put them in Easter baskets.

If she's ok with this, and the women who were "gifted" with Carlos Danger's business are ok with this, then I really don't see how this is anyone elses business.

Am I missing something here? Did these women not want to see his dick? Were these unsolicited dick shots? I'm curious, because so far it seems like it all has been rather consensual.