Bright Heathen

Oh god, THIS. I just say I'm Californian now. People ask me about my ethnicity ALL the time and that shit is tiresome. Plus, I feel awkward claiming anything because I haven't been immersed in any other culture but Northern Californian culture.

Some of those people they got on that show are getting OLD. They were on Real World or whatever when I was young. I find that really sad.

I think Jesus taught that class. Unfortunately many of his "followers" have reading comprehension problems.

Vacuum packed "Space" brownies! No fire needed.

Tumblr is where I learned about scat porn... :(

maybe not the greatest drag-out, but Riddick breaking a knife off in the Lord Marshall's head then kneeing him in the face as a send-off was a pretty fucking epic win.

WHY DIDN'T TRAYVON HAVE THE FUCKING RIGHT TO DEFEND HIMSELF?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Now THERE is some projection for you.

Why eat a Twinkie when we now have Cronuts? Time to EVOLVE.

I thought that was Matt Lauer on that horse.

I am SURROUNDED by white people who claim not to be racist & claim to be victims of racism themselves, who say the craziest racist shit. It blows my mind. It goes beyond a disconnect. I honestly cannot figure it out. I hate to call it a kind of mental illness because I don't want to insult people with genuine mental

I'm going to assume you are white, because these two white bitches on this show actually do realistically represent white people who live in reality. Now, this may not be a comforting fact for you, but a fact it is.

You know what's the most fucked up & heartbreaking part of this whole clip? Howard telling Candice just to stand with him and be the bigger person. It is ALWAYS Black people who have to be the bigger people and that fucking sucks, because if Candice would have defended herself in ANY other way in the face of that kind

Why so hostile? And I have no fucking idea what the Irish version of the KKK is. I just remember it being a big fucking deal and a topic of conversation that was a part of the broader conversation on how much Ireland was changing at the time due to the economic boom and an influx of immigrants there.

It was Rick Perry with a ranch called N***** Ranch.

I lived in Cork, Ireland for a bit about a decade ago and while I was there a Black college kid going to Trinity College in Dublin was hung and killed by their version of white supremacists.

This is why I love being CALIFORNIAN. I NEVER say I'm American when I'm abroad, I say I'm Californian. It's a WHOLE different kind of welcome you receive. Try it out sometime.

It doesn't count if you practice your racism abroad, tho...

So sad that science is so far behind the curve... . .