Bright Heathen

Feminism has a WoC problem too. Like the fact that it does not want to take seriously the issues of women of color and would prefer to patronize and condescend to.

"The mind is a function of your gut!"

I love the collection, sans the bags & shoes.

I LOVE genetic drift! I wish our country were more literate when it came to evolution so that more in depth discussions could be had on all the types & variables of evolution.

There has to be some king of common and underlying reason why many of us feel disconnected, or drift in and out of disconnection and why mental illnesses seem to be growing more and more pervasive. I know we like to think of ourselves as islands unto ourselves, but really, the Industrial Revolution, that pushed people

Google it. Google, "Why do humans behave like animals." "How do humans behave like animals." Or variations of. I gave you two examples already. I'm not about to sit here and write you a fucking thesis. Jesus Christ.

I like the way you think as well and the way you framed it! And no, that type of conscientious living does not seem to be on the agenda.

Men raping women. Do your own heavy lifting. Look that shit up.

I'm sorry you are incapable of simple observation.

It is called: How Assholes Make Themselves Also Look Like Jackasses.

We use it all the time! Especially organized religion, when it comes to why they put some heavy restrictions on female behavior, because they will otherwise bring the beast out in men.

Oh, sorry bout that. I wasn't sure which comment you were asking how to so I just went with the original.

I need a pearl encrusted face cage. I would feel so much better doing the dishes and laundry in one of those.

It is something that would have to be worked on collectively. First we will need to change our value systems. Cooperation over competition. Standards of beauty would also need to be thrown out. All of this would take a REALLY long time and we already see the seeds being sewn.


They have WAY better diets. :)

I would NEVER want storytelling that involved group decision making. I have been to many an anarchist group consensus jamboree and those things are fucking horrible!

I've never wanted to hit a lil kid before, but when I saw that episode I wanted everyone involved to get a thorough thrashing. I couldn't believe what I was seeing & I couldn't believe the parents acted so helpless about it.

I apologize for my tone.

This is because this phrase has been co-opted by individualists and certain types of economists to mean "dog eat dog" or "the strongest will survive!". If you can shit all over people to get what you want, it is you who will survive.