Bright Heathen

Hahaha! No problem. Sorry to spread the "wealth".

Meh, for some. Not for all of us.

There is an episode of Nanny 911 where the little girl wakes up in the middle of the night and smears her diaper shit all over her parents and their bed...

I didn't say anything like that. I said we like to brag that we are somehow elevated and therefore we should attempt to behave in a somewhat more elevated manner.

I was unaware that Cons had a conscience.

I hope this season goes back to highlighting great ad campaigns and does less of the dark & twisty shit.

Lets not make this a way to excuse lame behavior. We are not chimpanzees. We are supposed to be human beings, something we constantly brag that is an elevated state of affairs, so lets put time & effort into making it so.

Oh yes, asshole crosses the entire human spectrum.

Count your blessings then. I came from a pretty shitty background too, and managed to do lots of great stuff, including travel. But one thing my life has taught me that obviously your life has not taught you, is that you don't go judging other people by what you are capable of, ever.

I left high school halfway through my senior year after getting acceptance letters from every college I applied to with some of them offering me full scholarships to boot. But I was over it all. I moved to the coast, got my series of first jobs and my first serious boyfriend, and became politicized. My boyfriend and I

Oh poo poo.

Why is this even an issue at all? Girls pee in cubbies that have doors. No one would even see her penis.

Oh dear sweet jesus please!!!! This means there could actually be some fine ass men on that show to look at.

We all know why Eugenics was created though and why it is roundly rejected by most scientists as a viable science to be practiced. We can split hairs on just about everything under the sun, but when we get down to brass tacks...

While they might not be synonymous, one is used (eugenics) in the attempt to achieve the other (racial purity).

“I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I've never been able to believe it. I don't believe a rose WOULD be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage.”

It is probably in her best interest at this point to tone her exposure down. I don't care about her either way, I enjoy some of her music & there is no denying how beautiful she is, but people are getting pretty fed up with her being shoved down all our throats. I mean, unless her goal is to compete with Kim K &

Go ahead and rape all you want young bucks, but don't you dare dance.


Barely in their 30's, clinging to a youth that will quickly pass them by as they rag & rage on what they will soon become.