Bridget Pilloud

“Sorry!” he shouted after me, in a segue I didn’t quite understand. “Done slammed my peter in the car door one too many times!”

The US government was inspired by the Iroquois Confederacy. That is an American Indian government that was able to unite six tribes. Suck on that, Steve King.

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

It’s like saying that all guys have a rape switch so we have to take care not to activate it. WTF?

I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.

20 Minutes. My rapist took only about 15. That was >40 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten. These rapists think they are blameless. It only took 20 minutes, why is the rest of my life in ruins. BECAUSE THE REST OF MINE IS RUINED. POS

Hey, you know what else is bad for small businesses? Gigantic chain like Home Depot that move into mid-sized towns and drive those small hardware shops out of business.

That’s not sap...

I hope they have a prenup. My spousal support payments to the Moon nearly bankrupted me after the divorce.

My take as I re-watched Wolverine on my mom’s couch earlier this week.

Aimee, you were and, I’m sure, are definitely not pear-shaped. Your teen body looks great and it’s disgusting how people focus on bodies.

wedding-industrial complex

that one’s me... cuteness overload :) i’m having a dog

So what you’re saying is that alienating all minorities plus half the population might be a teeny tiny problem for someone running for the presidency of the entire country and not just bitter white bigots?

I agree this gay went too far, and is a ridiculous asshole... but camera lenses feel “male gazey” and “rapey”? To a woman who has done “scandalous” photoshoots for many magazines and being on camera is literally her livelihood? No thanks, for the rape pseudo-comparison.

The gender policing isn’t exclusive to gay people or even LGBT people. I know plenty of straight guys who dress or look a little more feminine and straight women who dress or look a little more masculine. This is purely about gender expression and, ultimately, individual fashion choices. Children or adults who are

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

Not only are these bigoted attacks from my candidate’s opponents casting a corrupt shadow onto our political process, they are also hurting the economy.

The problem with trying to decide which dog is the best dog is that all dogs are the best dog.