Bridget Pilloud

“Black Panther was a very racist movie, only two white guys in the movie and one of them was a bad guy. Very sad. Plus they misrepresented Wakanda, it’s not a nice place, I’ve been there. FAKE NEWS

God, can you imagine the fumes wafting off that burnt potato: hairspray thickner, 6 layers of bronzer, sweat intermixed with chemical imbalances left over from the amphetamines and just that rotting ‘old man’ cabbage like carryover?

Oh, I missed that one. Inslee got me when he showed up at SeaTac loaded for bear and pissed about the man who wasn’t allowed to see his wife.


yep...the problem was definitely on the outside, mama june.

If she’s pregnant, whoever’s tasked with carrying her around will be carrying two babies instead of one. Think about it.

This one just made me cry.

To be fair, the only thing she stole from the podiatrist’s website was footnotes.

Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.

Breathe. It’s going to be okay.

He’s the gross one. And it can be hard with the society we live in to not crave a little male attention seeing as women are told from the jump that this is what we desire. Vent away!

I am wedding planning for 2017 and I am also sick of these trends. I only get my period every 2 months so it’s been impossible for me to collect enough menstrual blood to make my signature cocktail. 

I get your argument and you may well be right, I just don’t think it holds water very well in this specific situation. It is fair to ask to speak to someone who has carved out a role as an expert and who is criticizing you personally. From many people’s perspective Cho wildly mischaracterized her communications with

I cannot for the life of me get why people don’t get this. This isn’t looking for a minority mentor. This is someone deliberately misrepresenting a conversation for attention and advocate street cred. She threw a colleague (in the loosest sense) under the bus when that colleague didn’t deserve it. She got called out

Major props to Tilda for releasing the conversation too.

Wait, what? Swinton knew and respected Cho’s work, knew that she had a strong opinion on the issue, and asked to be put in touch to understand Cho’s point of view.

It really feels like lose/lose for Tilda here.

I think Cho comes off looking worse in this than Tilda. Though my first thought was why on earth would she seek out the opinion of Margaret Cho in the first place? It seems like just such a bizarre out of nowhere email to send to someone. I mean maybe there is some more backstory here that we aren’t getting, but that

Cho has made herself one of the main voices of this debate and was publicly criticizing the movie and Swinton. If someone does that, they can’t then claim that if someone wants to talk about it with them that they are being turned to as the only Asian in the room. She has set herself up as an expert on this issue for

Why isn’t it ok?