Bridget Pilloud

Today is my first day back at work after maternity leave and everyone is asking if I’m okay and if I’ve cried and I want yell, “FREEDOM IS MINE, AT LAST,” at all of them but I feel like that would make me seem like a bad mom. Newborns are BORING, no matter how adorable they are! I got to eat my breakfast with two

not really. people leave AMA for all types of reason. once i did it because i had stopped throwing up and felt better and it took too long.

Well you can understand his claims given how all guns everywhere were banned as a result of Sandy Hook.

I feel like a little while back there was also a reveal that they primarily targeted black and brown customers as potential “shoplifters” too. Zara is pretty racist all in all.


Not to mention that they literally had her last line be something like “My job was just to get you this far.” Whaaaat??? Way to spell it out, assholes.

I agree! I would have less of problem with this if they hadn’t sidelined her character to the point of the actress wanting out. This isn’t Sandra Oh from Grey’s Anantomy who just felt like doing something different. The creators/writers did some serious mistakes in season 2 and continued to do them when fans

You know, if I see one more person say “What were they supposed to do, she wanted out” without even fucking acknowledging the reason it got to that point, I’m go to Hulk out.

This is important because the writers made a black woman feel expendable in her own damn show! We get disrespected so bad and all people tell us is to wait our turn! We have so few black leads out there and they killed one of our darlings!

Arrow also knocked off Laurel, thus making Black Canary a very fatal hero and Quentin Lance just the unluckiest dad in history.

Theory: This whole thing is a scam cooked up by TLC to generate buzz for Say Yes to the Dress and up their viewership numbers.

Your cubicle neighbor sounds nice. The guys in the cubicles around me would just laugh and then play hackey sack with them.

MAYBE it is just because I am a cynical asshole and also a fat but the joke was that she is fat right?

“sympathize with a Fox News talking head”

Donald Trump, a carnivorous plant watered with irradiated bat urine

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. The greatest trick the Donald ever pulled was getting us to sympathize with a Fox News talking head.

According to the article (which I shamelessly devoured, last night), the police did conduct a welfare check, and pronounced him fine.

And as a mixed raced child who had a white mother who took every single racial and sexist battle - and won them, I’ll say: the exhaustion is worth it.

As a parent of a small daughter all I can say is your right but you are going to exhaust yourself. My daughter is also multi cultural, and if I had to sit her down and fight every micro bs moment we wouldn’t have time to have fun with life. The best I can teach her is that it is up to her to define her own existance,

Because we have eggs and milk inside of us? Men are the middle unrefrigerated aisles, filled with crackers, dips and sauces, and international foods.