
No NHL love? Well GFYS!

This reminds me of the Monty Python Holy Grail bit where the castle guard see's the guy running toward him way off in the distance, pans away, and when it pans back he is like right up on him. It looks like you could easily see it coming and be able to run away. I guess it was much faster than it appears.

I don't see why we wouldn't want our law enforcement to have every advantage possible when dealing with criminal types. I have had my fair share of bad experiences with police, but you cant escape the fact that these men and women risk their own lives to enforce the law. If we have the means to improve their odds or

This is what will happen if people are looking at a dam app instead of at traffic...

....a superior alternative to Star Trek engagement photos.

Based on his voice alone, i say hell no.

Don't Knock it till ya try it...

I'm not worried as this is Canadian research and does not apply to the United States.

Almost There....

Do this to someone and you are a straight up douche. Yes they are in public, blah blah blah. But just because you can do it doesn't mean you should do it.

AOL is still a good place to find chicks...errr, i mean find Chris Hanson waiting for you in the kitchen.

I don't know man, if i don't believe based on lack of evidence i don't think that makes me faithful. I don't believe it blindly, or "just know in my heart" that god doesn't exist. God very well could since no evidence supports it either way. To me, MORE evidence suggests we are here for other reasons so im leaning

No, it would not be bad at all to find out that bob from accounting is the big guy in the sky. But for as many that could live without knowing because it doesn't harm anyone NOT to know, there are as many who simply would WANT to know. What we all choose to do from that point is up to us, but at least we would have

I wasn't assuming that religion would disappear anymore than the idea of Santa Clause would. There are still people in this world that believe that pro wrestling is still real, and will not change their mind regardless of what facts they are presented. I threw out a few of what are, in my view, 1 or 2 of the more

nor will it ever? assumption. nor should it ever? why not? Are religious types afraid to actually find out that all of their faith, money, time spent in worship, idea that there is eternal life on a cloud after death was wasted? Because it would possibly bring down the big business that is religion? I'm not

These will soon be appearing in the $5 DVD bin at your local Wal-Mart. Sadly, id reach for the loosely re-wrapped copy of Suburban Commando before the PlayBook.

businesses only :( -1 to Stalker ability

So i can see into all my neighbors houses?!?! +1 to Stalker ability

Shut up Meg....

Agreed. Being rude is just plain rude. In other news, being mean is just plain mean.