
Some bads, some good. They even have morning breath and bad hair days.

Your mom is so fat that she has to use the kuiper belt to hold up her pants.

It’s real life Spy Hunter

They neglected to mention that you can also turn on god mode by typing IDDQD at any point.

Fixed that for you. Looks like it might’ve been a tiny bit too click bait-y.

So what size of trump t-shirt do you wear? L? XXL?

I think you mean hero

NSA essentially eviscerates the 4th Amendment but Snowden is the bad guy. Nah, not feelin’ it.

Thank you. Came here looking for eight people...!

wow that guy is a double CEO!

Must’ve gotten off Starkiller Base early because garbage there is immediately jettisoned into deep space. The dastardly First Order is certainly not environmentally conscious lol.

Black Nets Matter

“I see they’ve gotten to you too”

It was on article a few months back. Maybe you were still waiting for the tab to load.

Is this Space Will Ferrell?

The best part is everyone basically saying, “fuck it—I’m outta here!” and turning around.

Your vote matters.

No difference, sneezing is sneezing. And you cannot propel yourself with a sneeze.

It's a good thing someone was able to bring Obama into this. Didn't want to look at something without being reminded of how people misdirect all of their anger and frustration onto something entirely irrational.

Not necessarily communists have a predisposition to this but I think it's a combination of Needs of the State far out weigh the safety of the people and a lack of quality control due to a lack of adequate compensation for work and services rendered.