
The feature; the ability to middle click on an enemy unit to see detailed stats about it, special abilities, loadout etc.

White America’s economical structure inherently involves the ‘status quo’, in other words, the comforting idea of the “Jim Crow era” industries that they’re inclined toward and used to. America’s “ traditional culture” stems from oppression; to steal, and undermine others for your own selfish gains, and racist

Fuck CDPR.

Being “rewarded” with a chance to win gifts from a raffle system where tickets are “paid” via mandatory extra hours is the premise of a Black Mirror episode that has yet to be written.

Calm it down it’s been seven years

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

Been cooking brussel sprouts with maple syrup and cubed, thick cut bacon for a long time now. Toss after 10 - 15 minutes to coat the veg with the rendered bacon fat.

This is awesome.

Well, then this console truly replicates the original Genesis experience!

Yeah, we should all have the rights to use slurs and prejoratives against anyone we feel without any form of blacklash or accusations of being misogynistic, homophobic, racist, or anything of the sort! It definitely doesn’t dehumanize people or hurt communities, because it’s just a joke! And as we all know, jokes are

“However, a portion of our community made it loud and clear they felt removing ‘Ogay’ made them the Real Victims Here.

Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?

“Well, that’s one more miserable son of a bitch that I’ve managed to outlive.”

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”

Crunch Deadlift!

When it comes to building solid, lasting relationships with our foreign allies, we put our faith in Blast Hardcheese. 

Now playing

Well, this isn’t the first time MST3K can be connected to an endlessly unlikable orange thing with weird hair:

It’s actually both.

Oh duh! MST! I was wondering why Ambassador Slab Bulkhead’s name sounded so familiar!

Jim will forever break the chains of love.