I thought you were cool, Netflix. But then you gotta get rid of Black Dynamite on the first day of black history month like a jive turkey!
I thought you were cool, Netflix. But then you gotta get rid of Black Dynamite on the first day of black history month like a jive turkey!
Pretty sure it’s still racist, but against asians.
I am literally tearing up as I watch this on loop. I want to go to that world.
Technically, the constitution is written on parchment
I wish I could take credit for it! It’s now my go-to for explaining this kind of thing.
Joke all you like, but in many ways Gabe Newell made ALL the video games of the last 10+ years. We forget now, but it wasn’t so long ago that PC gaming was dying out. Steam changed everything. It could easily be argued that Newell, Valve, and Steam are responsible for the shape of the gaming scene today from the indie…
Even if you allowed for amazing new engine technology, there is one other major flaw in the TIE fighter’s design which I believe you missed, but which would have been incidentally fixed in your re-design: Visibility.
Really? Well, guess I’ll just have to go see it again. Dang it!
Actually, the Warboys used tatoos and scarification all over the place. The old teacher woman was tatooed with words, I’m assuming books so they couldn’t be forgotten. Remember the bit when Max looks at Nux and asks if he’s a “blockhead”? Nux literally has an engine-block scarified onto his chest, so other warboys…
Go here:
I'll chip in Panzer Dragoon:
The reason this system was never developed further back when it was proposed is actually quite simple. While at this phase of things, it's more-or-less immune to attack from non-state actors, there are numerous other nations with the technology to successfully attack and cripple such a system. The more useful it is,…
I used to collect japanese toy robots. Mostly Gundam stuff, but really anything that I liked the look of, even if I'd never seen the show. I was on HLJ all the time, ordering new toys and model kits from overseas, buying what I could afford and lusting after what I couldn't. Then, one day, I had a moment of clarity. I…
The conclusion is good, but there's a flaw at the start: This is not the first time American Culture has taken an apocalyptic bent since the 1950s. I'd say the most recent wave of cataclysms took place from the late 60's/early 70's to the mid-late 80's. During this time there were numerous "If this goes on" dystopias,…
You asked "What's bad about eugenics", I was providing scenarios of how a well-meaning idea can go wrong on application.
If that's your preferred method, of course. But you must recognize that the entire line of methodology has been proposed, all towards a similar end. Even so, the end results are the same. A less diverse, less interesting future, decided based on the changing whims of those in power. Think of it like this: Suppose you…
The problem with eugenics becomes obvious upon considering the question of exactly who decides what genetic traits are undesirable. At the time of his writing, most eugenics advocates would have included traits like being black, homosexual, autistic, or having "criminal tendencies" as undesirable. Modern eugenics…
And thirded. I cry for the fact that some readers might find it strange that space pirates might talk the way they do in the Demon Princes. What have we lost when such a world seems inconceivable?