That would have been a fantastic troll. Think of all the browncoats, whedonites, and Glau-istas who would have unwittingly voted their favorite film as the worst ever by reflex.
That would have been a fantastic troll. Think of all the browncoats, whedonites, and Glau-istas who would have unwittingly voted their favorite film as the worst ever by reflex.
Metalstorm and Megaforce are legitimately bad, but I gotta give Yor some props for just being what it is, and I have to stop you at Space Hunter.
I would say yes. This is an excellent term for a sub-genre of Sci-Fi that has existed for some time, even though we haven't had a real name for it. From the Post-humanists to classic crumbling space empires, from Ian M. Banks's Culture to Jack Vance's Concourse, I think this fits well and gives us a useful category.
It is not about creating a new term, it is about recognizing a sub-genre that has existed for some time. In this I say it's correct. We have all known that this sub-genre exists, we could all point to works that would fall within it, but until it has a label it's as invisible as the air.
Worst... Or greatest?
I just had the same terrifying, yet horrifically awesome thought.
Brandon Bird has an ability to elevate the pop to the sublime through a lens of everyday dada-ism that would have made Dali himself take notice. In the face of art, in the thrall of the muse, "should" and "should not" are meaningless.
Hey, at least when Danzig did that duet with Shakira, he really tried his best.
Not another Danzig Shopping-list scandal! Remember the last time that got leaked?
Alert the Syfy channel!
That, or Walter Bishhop shows up, and snorts the smoke monster to help "inspire" his greatest creation, singing corpses!
The ending I would have liked would need to start a full season before the finale. Over the course of the season, slowly many things would be explained. Not everything, and not always explicitly, but many of the important things. (I always like the idea that the "Smoke Monster" was created from gathered memories of…
What I really want to see is him, a cosplay Jack Kirby, two guys in black holding up camera frames and word balloons, and the gallery it could generate.
I think my favorite has to be the guy cosplaying as Stan Lee. We've just entered a whole new world of meta-cosplay.
The Gallifreyan "Great Barrier" is more subtle than we thought.
I'm starting to warm up to this show, in no small part because while we've seen a lot of this before in the general sense, the details of their lives make it feel much more fresh and new. Like the fact that after they had a traumatic experience, they had a group therapy session about it, and it wasn't treated as a…
Fair enough.
I must disagree. "Inspector Detector suspected foul play" is not an unintentional line, and is whole-heartedly meant to sound bizarre. I would go so far as to say it is an amazing line.