
@palaeoclimatemonkey: There's a book out there called "Everything bad is good for you", and while I don't entirely agree with it, one of the points the author makes is that in general, much of our mass media is becoming more complex. Watch a TV drama from the 70's, and compare it to a modern equivalent. You'll be

@berry110482: I completely agree with you on Wagner. I know that whenever I see his name on a Dredd story, I kind of consider that "Cannon".

And here's my preferred way of seeing the universe:

@palaeoclimatemonkey: They've been slowly addressing Dredd's character and demeanor in the comics, actually. Sometimes through Dredd himself having doubts but still doing his job, sometimes by bringing in the slowly expanding family of clones, like the new Rico or the new Kraken (who quit being a judge in order to

I think it's probably a good idea for a Judge Dredd movie to start small. Start with the hab-blocks, the joblessness, and the Judges as a police force. Show that it's part of a larger whole, yes, but concentrate on that. A new Judge's first day is a great way to both introduce the Judges and Dredd as the epitome of a

@Charlie Jane Anders: The thing is, you could do both versions of Rollerball. What's that quote about history repeating itself first as tragedy then as farce?

@kagekiri: I thought the same thing, and am now deeply horrified.

@LuciusFoieGras: After the beating and betrayal the end of BSG delivered to its fans, is it any surprise that so few wanted to come back for another round?

@recoverytwo: It's not about the looks. It's about the often mind-blasting WTF, awesome hats, and surprisingly literate sci-fi concepts.

@bob_d: War is always a barbarous thing. But when I feel sorrow for the state of mankind, I remember this:

@bob_d: Look at the bright side: The traditional method of dealing with a population that didn't like you throughout the history of the world was to kill all of the men, burn their cities, and sell the women and children into slavery. Nowadays, we decide to build a transforming helicopter/jeep instead. I think I

Despite the fact that my rational mind knows fully well that our country spends too much on our military, it's things like this that make it so hard not to love DARPA and want to give them more cash.

Despite the fact that my rational mind knows fully well that our country spends too much on our military, it's things like this that make it so hard not to love DARPA and want to give them more cash.

What I liked about Greer being Eli's wingman is that it clearly shows how differently these two characters view the same situation. Eli still looks at Greer and sees every macho jock who tormented him in high school. But Greer clearly sees Eli as one of the guys now. So to Eli, Greer giving him a push seems to come

I've always loved this movie. It's at once sublime and bizarre. And seeing Ms. Paluzzi in 60's space-wear is a very fond memory of my youth.

@Steffilarue: While there is every reason in the world to hate on AMC's "The Prisoner", this article is about book adaptations, not (necessarily) re-makes. The Prisoner started as a TV series, so it's not an adaptation.

Time for a celebratory round of the ballad of bilbo baggins!

It also reminds me of Staislaw Lem's classic "Fiasco".

@Rumtum: Or a live-action Outer Space Astronauts. I really enjoyed that stupid little show.

@Pope John Peeps II: The name of my next band is going to be "The name of my next band is going to be Dichromatism in pumpkin seed oil isn't so much a change of color as a shift in perspective"