A batted ball against the backboard is not a trapped ball
A batted ball against the backboard is not a trapped ball
Oh, I was wondering why so many people are getting killed by lightning strikes in Japan.
Is Santa Claus on the Canadian Supreme Court?
The old rule is the coin flips a random number of times, now changed to a nonzero, random number of times. This would indicate that it’s now less random, right?
Have you joined the bachmanity insanity yet?
His name is Robert Paulson
Static electricity at gas stations. If I see somebody get in/out of their car while it’s being fueled, I will leave the station immediately.
Shrikes impale their prey on thorns to save for later, alive. Shrikes are bad-ass.
I only send dick-lithographs, because I am classy like that.
This American Life had a good segment on a Cruz supporting radio host a couple weeks ago, and how he was going through an existential crisis dealing with the fact that the Republican party no longer matched his interests. I’d almost feel bad for him, if his beloved candidate didn’t want to turn the US into a…
Good. Fuck those guys.
LL Bean’s still good, though, right?
I moved to Atlanta few years ago, and there are a lot more broken down cars on the side of the road here. And more accidents. So many accidents. Of course, there are a lot more cars, too.
Since they’re all the same, I thought you might like to see the different opinions the one person who apparently writes all Gawker media articles has on this trailer.
Plus, maybe you could join his D&D game.
Flux is an awesome card game. Adding Firefly is just delightful.
Flux is an awesome card game. Adding Firefly is just delightful.
If you didn’t live in New York, how would you write all the stories about how great New York is. And all the stories about how much you hate it? That’s like 70% of Gawker/Jezebel material.
They better have some fucking cake on the menu, though.