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    Am I the only one who thinks he looks like a David Cross character?

    A more extreme reaction is required.

    I will never stop posting it.

    Damn straight.

    If only we could communicate via gif in real life.

    It pleases me to no end to learn that.

    As a leftie, the idea of a right hand only joystick to steer with terrifies me. And yes I can use my right hand to shift perfectly fine.

    "On various occasions, including at time while Robinson was driving, Peck would poke and try to tickle Robinson under her arms and on her legs, squeeze her legs and pinch her,"

    It works in all situations.

    Not Impressed.

    Since you stole my first choice, may I offer a replacement?

    Does it work with GIFs?

    Your post is special, but Maleficent deserves to be everywhere.

    To those of you voting red over white wine.