
Boeing deserves all the hate they can get. This is what happens when engineering firms turn into MBA farms.

Yeah, I imagine a lot of “do we have a pilot on board” calls if it ever goes 1 pilot because how many times has a pilot been incapacitated and needed backup? You probably never hear about it, but I bet it happens all the time. It doesn’t even need to be a full incapacitation, could be something like they get sick mid

Yes, it’s coming from a union which has a vested interest in keeping a 2-man flight crew, but it’s not wrong.

It throws a CEL and doesn’t do stop-start but will still start normally... did you read the article?

That’s presumably what the last paragraph meant:

I’m going to start calling the doctors who do colonoscopies Poopenauts.  They are explorers, of a sort.

In fact, there is a “No Dumping” sign posted below Poopenaut Ct.’s street sign because it is so isolated that people would dump their crap there.”

And also because that’s just plain funny anyway.

OEM: “Hey! Look at all these color options we have!”

All of this. Maybe if we actually COULD spec our cars, we’d see more variety. Instead it’s take what you can get.

*Dealers shouldn’t be allowed to spec their cars

Yeah if it’s the latter, this seems like a really asinine decision by the regulatory agency.

Australian Design Rules require the tether to be accessible “without the use of tools” and considers the headrest a tool.

For some clarification, this didn’t happen just because they let the main high voltage battery get to 0%, but because the 12V had died.

Yeah, the contractor fell for the scam. The homeowner didn’t.

1. Scammer searches houses for sale (expecting/hoping they are empty)
2. Scammer contacts contractors to do work on that home (often trying to get off the books/non-licensed types)
3. Scammer sends that contractor a check for the work. The check is for more than the agreed upon price.
4. Scammer requests and gets a “refun

Yeah, “you came and destroyed my driveway”. Kinda on them to, idk, verify who is asking for the service and paying. I work in an industry where we provide a service through hiring vendors as contractors and we won’t do anything without a credit check and in many cases payment up front. We did have someone try this on

I tend to agree. You can’t just go work on or damage a property because someone told you so, you have an obligation for some level of due diligence.

Last time I asked my bank to tell me when a check had absolutely cleared, they said they can’t do that. Even when the money shows up on the balance there are still conditions where the check bounces and they pull the money back out of your account. And if you spent it, you owe them.

It seems like they started the job but didn’t finish. Which is still weird but slightly less weird.

If you look at the transcripts (or at least translations of the transcripts), the coast guard pilot was still never given a clearance for take off. In fact, the coast guard pilot’s last comm is confirming that he’ll head to the stop line on the taxi way. Something happened and he went beyond that line.