
This is the first complete hull loss of a composite airliner (like the Boeing 787) so this is an odd sight because we’ve never seen it before.

1 incident in 33 years is absurdly low to trigger 50 million replacements.

Real reason: if you tell them something in response to that question it’s admissible in court.

Absolutely not what I said.
Absolutely not what he said.

It is like trying to have a discussion with drunk uncle on Thanksgiving...

NASA is a really, really bad example. Rockets are really, really dangerous.

I understand that it be a very small amount of people being maimed or killed by these airbag inflators, but shouldn’t the ideal number of people you’re killing be, I don’t know, zero?”
Not at one rupture in 33 years.
As cold as it sounds, the cost of making it perfect would eliminate driving for most people.

I agree - this could be used the other way: you make someone an additional driver on the app and then they reverse harass you when the relationship ends right up to asking Tesla to change the ownership to them. I hate to say I agree with Tesla (and by extension Musk), but they have to side with the registered vehicle

A divorce filed in 2020 should have been resolved no later than 2021.  Source:  Went through a divorce in California, 2017-18.  In the absence of the parties agreeing to dissolution terms, a judge can simply issue a ruling.  Should have happened here years ago.

The divorce hasn’t finalized yet.

This is a lot less about Tesla, and a lot more about getting courts familiar with technology that abusive partners use to their advantage. I doubt that you’ll see anything in tech to help change here - tech isn’t big on loopholes that could be exploited by other evil people. I assume it’s more likely that specifics in

While it’s an obviously terrible outcome for the woman, it is certainly not a Tesla-specific issue or one that Tesla really had control over.

Did she ever file for divorce?

Would that really have helped that much? Since he was a legal co-owner, he still would have been able to do anything he wanted, including track its current location. 

Yeah but this specific one is.

I’ll take a highway over a forest or a bunch of houses...

It’s about a mixture of gasses including water vapor. Pure nitrogen alone is bone dry and N2 is relatively inert so expands and contracts based on a very simple equation of temperature. But a mixture of gases has a much more complex behavior. While Air is 78% nitrogen, it will expand and contract in less predictable

People love to crap on insurance companies, but car insurance IS highly regulated almost everywhere. It is not a license to print money. But if things don’t go as your actuary gnomes think it will, you can lose a shitload of money in a hurry. And if the gnomes think costs are going to increase faster than the state

I am not sure you understand how insurance works.

The guy that had to send utility bills has probably moved recently, Insurance carriers have needed verification that you live where you say you live. Many people think it is OK to lie about this to get a lower rate.

It’s impressive how quickly the game dropped off the top-sellers list. It was there for maybe 2 days and then just completely vanished from the top 100. Don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.