Guys, I don't really think she's a very good journalist.
Guys, I don't really think she's a very good journalist.
Also, you gotta make sure not to be negative. So rather than saying "Don't kill me", which gives them the idea to kill you, you gotta say something positive, like "Keep on being an upstanding, law-abiding citizen". That will totally work.
You have now made me painfully aware that I am incredibly unprepared for any type of serial killer situation. I AM SO STRESSED OUT RIGHT NOW.
both Facebook and Instagram went down for a short period of time during my nap.
Catfish is an awesome show precisely because Nev is such a huge asshole. I will never forget the time he got pissed off at someone and just randomly threw their phone in the river.
It was only in September that our friend Nev Schulman took the brave, bold step of declaring the elevator he…
Fucking THIS. Also periodic reminder that the people who usually write in favor of identity politics or call out racism/sexism etc probably receive far more death and rape threats than the majority of people who have erred. Did anyone hear Lindy West's This American Life story from the other day? Jesus Christ.
Eye on the prize, sweetie. I'm not the problem. Don't lose focus. And don't prove this idiot's point. Bigots and evildoers want progressives to nitpick and correct each other and debate "black" versus "African American" and discuss how many letters should be included in "LGBTQ" so we are looking at each other and not…
Let's be clear what you are talking about. Accepting your thesis that these people thrive here in the comments section of Gawker, what have they achieved? They have achieved annoying asshole status in a comment section of a website. Again, a website comment section. This is not power. This is something easily ignored…
From my point of view, identity politics is used as a measure of life experience and knowledge absorbed from living under such an identity. Generally in rational discussion, which does often take into consideration the identity of the person delivering the argument, you want to be known as knowledgeable about a…
We're one loosened salt shaker away from an essay on how white male liberals can't even eat these days.
I imagine she would have based her rebuttal on largely the same ground: it is a poorly argued piece bolstered by vapid examples.
I think they're both agreeing with you.
The issue is there's the exact same amount of critical-thinkers as there always have been (i.e. Not many.) But the Internet has given forum for a lot more people to reiterate programmed self-righteous talking points, and to bask in the validation that affords.
I'm disappointed in…
I'm sorry that that happened to you, it sounds awful, and those people were assholes. But I think Jia makes a point of differentiating between harassing assholes on Twitter and legitimate calls for self-correction. The former = a serious problem that is not limited to leftists or "pc", the latter = constructive…
Jia, honest question: If this article hadn't been written by a guy, what would you have based your rebuttal of his arguments on? Because I'm a woman but I basically could have written that article. I tend to feel the same way as this guy and I agree with him that while I agree with the generally noble intentions…
I tried to be an ally too but I got fucking friendzoned ugh
"Political correctness." A liberal's term for "not being a dick," a conservative's term for "why can't I say nigger anymore I just want to call niggers niggers lighten up you guys youre brining down my nigger party, sheesh, youre all no fun."